Page 111 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 111

Section 04
                                                                               Geographical Focus of UAE Assistance

               03   Health

             The health sector of SIDS also received funding from   healthcare workers, shipping medical equipment,
             the UAE in 2022, with AED 19.5 million (USD 5.3   medical supplies and maintenance of health facilities.
             million) in disbursements for Comoros, Mauritius and   In Comoros, in addition to these, the UAE provided
             Seychelles.  This funding enabled the construction of   funding to two dialysis centers and one health facility
             hospitals and clinics, funding the operational costs   specializing in mothers and children.
             of health facilities, including salaries of doctors and

               04   Air Transport Infrastructure
                                                              aid towards the augmentation of two key airports - the
             Given the geographical dispersion of the Maldives
                                                              Velana International Airport in Malé and Manafaru’s
             across 188 islands, efficient mobility becomes
                                                              international airport in Noonu Atoll.
             paramount.  With  tourism as  its  primary  economic
             backbone, the UAE furthered its recurrent financial

               05   Biodiversity

             SIDS often lean heavily on biodiversity, not just   undertook 12 biodiversity-centric projects in 7 SIDS,
             economically - given the dominance of tourism and   championing the conservation of endangered species.
             fisheries - but also culturally, recognizing its inherent   This includes the Giant Otter in Suriname, the Vanuatu
             aesthetic and spiritual significance. Biodiversity   Petrel in Vanuatu - a bird species with a population just
             offers multifaceted advantages: food supply, water   in the hundreds - and the unique Central American river
             purification, erosion control, and safeguarding against   turtle, or ‘hicatee’, in Belize.
             natural calamities. Recognizing its pivotal role, the UAE


             Building on its robust legacy of supporting Small   million) aimed at underpinning a myriad of development
             Island Developing States (SIDS), the UAE has charted   projects in Caravella Island. The momentum is further
             an ambitious future trajectory with significant pledges.   carried to the Maldives where the UAE, in its continued
             Committing grants in 2022 amounting to AED 569.3   commitment, has allocated AED 367.3 million (USD
             million (USD 155.0 million), the UAE hopes to make   100.0 million). This investment is earmarked for
             lasting impacts in both Guinea Bissau and the Maldives.   the construction and augmentation of Manafaru’s
             Guinea Bissau, which also falls under the category   international airport in Noonu Atoll, signifying the
             of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), will witness a   UAE’s strategic emphasis on bolstering connectivity
             transformative surge with AED 202.0 million (USD 55.0   and infrastructure in these island nations.
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