Page 107 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 107

Section 04
                                                                               Geographical Focus of UAE Assistance

                                                     In 2022, the United Arab Emirates reaffirmed its role as a pivotal
                                                     partner in global humanitarian and development efforts, particularly
                                                     towards Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The UAE’s foreign
                                                     assistance disbursements reflected its unwavering commitment
                 Furthermore, the UAE has
                                                     to fostering sustainable growth, stability, and resilience in these
                 made forward-looking pledges        vulnerable nations. Through strategic investments in key sectors,
                 for the LDCs in the form of         the UAE has not only demonstrated its vision of global solidarity
                 commitments. Grants valued          and shared prosperity but also underscored its determination
                 at  AED  565.5 million  (USD        to create a tangible impact in the world’s most underprivileged
                 154.0 million), slated for future   communities. As the world grapples with myriad challenges, the
                 disbursement,   have    been        UAE’s contributions to LDCs in 2022 stand as a beacon of hope
                 set aside for Guinea Bissau,        and a testament to the power of collaboration for a better future.
                 Somalia, and Yemen. These
                 funds are earmarked to spur
                 multifaceted    development
                 initiatives,  ranging   from
                 solar  energy   projects   to
                 the development of water
                 transport      infrastructure,
                 underscoring    the    UAE’s
                 comprehensive approach to
                 fostering development in these
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