Page 102 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 102

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, the UAE demonstrated its unwavering     this period. Of this cumulative sum, a dominant
             commitment to supporting the Least Developed     78%  took  the  form  of  grants,  underscoring  the
             Countries (LDCs) by channeling AED 3.36 billion   UAE’s commitment to support the LDCs.
             (USD 914.1 million) to 35 nations in this category.   Moreover,  the UAE  underscored its  steadfast
                                                              commitment to supporting Least Developed
             This  represented  a  commendable  3%  rise  from   Countries (LDCs) by aligning its Official
             the prior year, and amounted to 27% of the UAE’s   Development Assistance (ODA) contributions
             entire foreign aid budget in 2022. Delving deeper,   with international benchmarks. ODA is a pivotal
             when exclusively focused on LDCs located in      index, gauging the dedication of donor countries
             Africa, the UAE’s proportion of assistance to    in backing global developmental pursuits. This
             LDCs jumps significantly to cover 82% of the aid   measurement is crafted around standards
             to the continent.                                instituted by the Organisation for Economic
                                                              Co-operation and Development’s Development
             A closer look reveals that the majority of the   Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC).
             UAE’s  foreign assistance  in  2022 to  LDCs  was
             non-repayable;  65%  were  provided  as  grants,   The 15-year roadmap encapsulated in the
             while the remainder took the form of concessional   Sustainable  Development    Goals    (SDGs)
             loans.                                           emphasizes this global commitment. Particularly,
                                                              Goal 17 of the SDGs beckons developed nations
             From a category of assistance standpoint,        to realize their pledged ODA contributions. This
             development aid to the LDCs in 2022 constituted   mandate emphasizes that developed nations
             a  significant  69%  of  the  foreign  assistance,   should  allocate  0.7%  of  their  Gross  National
             humanitarian  aid  made  up  22%,  with  the     Income (GNI) as ODA to developing countries and
             remaining amount allocated for charitable giving.  earmark  0.15%  to  0.20%  of  this  aid  specifically
                                                              for LDCs.
             From  a  country-specific  perspective,  Yemen
             emerged as the top beneficiary of the UAE’s      Demonstrating its unwavering resolve, the UAE
             foreign  assistance,  receiving  43%  of  the  aid   directed 0.20% of its ODA/GNI to LDCs in 2022,
             directed towards LDCs in 2022. Ethiopia and      thereby meeting the international benchmark.
             Somalia followed closely, and together with      Analyzing the UAE’s commitment over a broader
             Yemen, these three nations absorbed a substantial   period from 2018 to 2022, the country’s sustained
             69% of the total 2022 UAE contributions to LDCs.  support for LDCs becomes more evident. With
             Analyzing a broader timeframe, over the past five   a  notable  five-year  average  of  0.34%  ODA/GNI
             years, from 2018-2022, the UAE’s cumulative aid   to LDCs, the UAE’s assistance not only aligns
             to LDCs reached AED 32.67 billion (USD 8.90      with  but  also  exceeds  the  international  targets,
             billion). This represents 35% of the total aid over   underlining the nation’s enduring commitment to
                                                              global development and prosperity.
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