Page 99 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 99

Section 04
                                                                               Geographical Focus of UAE Assistance


                                                                       In 2022, the UAE pledged AED 425.3 million
                                                                       (USD 115.8 million) towards supporting two
                                                                       Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Africa:
                                                                       Guinea Bissau and Somalia. Breaking down
                                                                       this commitment by sector reveals that a
                                                                       dominant  89%  is  allocated  for  construction  and
                                                                       civil development initiatives, while the balance
                                                                       is geared towards improving water transport

                                                                       Detailed narratives of the UAE’s assistance to
        ADFD finances a major road project in Gambia.                  two countries in Africa – Ethiopia and Sudan – are
                                                                       provided in the ensuing pages.
        Source: Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD)
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