Page 104 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 104

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Allocation Insights

              01    General Budget Support

             In 2022, the UAE reinforced its commitment to     LDCs in 2022 saw a significant nearly threefold growth
             supporting Least Developed Countries (LDCs) by    compared to 2021.
             directing 33% of its foreign assistance to LDCs towards
             the essential sector of general budget support. This   The primary beneficiaries of this bilateral assistance
             sector, which the UAE earmarked AED 1.12 billion   in 2022 were South Sudan, and Yemen. The focus on
             (USD 303.8 million) for LDCs in 2022, underscores the   these nations underscores the UAE’s strategic vision
             importance of empowering LDCs to spearhead their   in assisting countries that have considerable socio-
             own  developmental  trajectories.  By  funding  general   economic challenges and are keen on leveraging
             budget support, the UAE not only provides a financial   external support to propel their respective development
             boost but also entrusts recipient nations with the   agendas forward. By doing so, the UAE reaffirms its
             autonomy  to manage  these resources  in alignment   role as a responsible global actor that prioritizes a
             with  their national  development  goals and  priorities.     collaborative approach to tackling shared challenges
             The significance of this approach becomes more    and advancing global prosperity.
             evident when the UAE’s general budget support to

              02    Commodity Aid

             In 2022, the UAE underscored its commitment to    Yemen emerged as the primary beneficiaries of these
             addressing immediate humanitarian needs and food   initiatives in 2022, signifying the UAE’s strategic focus
             security challenges by channeling a substantial portion   on areas grappling with acute food shortages.
             of its aid towards commodity aid for Least Developed
             Countries (LDCs).                                 In parallel, the UAE recognized the importance of
                                                               fortifying these countries against future food crises and
             With an allocation of AED 554.9 million (USD 151.1   shortages by allocating AED 50.9 million (13.9 million)
             million) in grants, this aid to 26 LDCs primarily centered   to  food security  programmes,  reaching  23 LDCs.
             on emergency provisions such as food, multi-sector   Majority of this aid was channelled to Ethiopia, Niger,
             aid, and shelter-related necessities, as well as food   Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Such initiatives indicate
             security programmes, accounting for 17% of the UAE’s   a two-pronged approach, balancing immediate relief
             total assistance to LDCs for the year.            with efforts to bolster long-term food security.

             Emergency food aid was paramount among these relief   Furthermore, the UAE dedicated AED 76.9 million
             efforts, constituting 77% of the commodity aid sector.   (USD 20.9 million) towards a blend of emergency
             This predominance is emblematic of the pressing   multi-sector aid and provisions for emergency shelter
             food security issues faced by many LDCs. The UAE’s   and non-food items. This funding reached 10 LDCs
             involvement went beyond mere monetary support,    and reveals a holistic approach to emergency relief,
             with on-ground projects facilitating the distribution of   considering both immediate needs and more extended
             thousands of food baskets and significant tons of food   support structures.  Ethiopia and Sudan received 78%
             items to 10 LDCs. Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and   of this funding.
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