Page 108 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 108

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

             Small Island Developing States (SIDS) consist of   of these states—essentially the expanse of ocean
             a unique cohort of 39 States and 18 Associate    they govern—is on average 28 times larger than
             Members affiliated with United Nations regional   their land area. This makes the ocean a reservoir
             commissions. These nations are distributed       of vast natural resources for them. However,
             across three distinct geographical terrains: the   with small population sizes, far-flung locations,
             Caribbean, the Pacific, and the broader region   escalating transportation costs, exposure to
             encompassing  the  Atlantic,  Indian  Ocean,  and   external economic fluctuations, and delicate
             South China Sea (AIS).                           terrestrial and marine ecosystems, SIDS are
                                                              especially susceptible to biodiversity loss and
             Historically,  the  international  community     climate-induced adversities. Their economic
             acknowledged the distinct challenges faced by    constraints often accentuate this vulnerability.
             SIDS at the 1992 United Nations Conference on    Given their limited institutional capacities,
             Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro,   restricted financial resources, and susceptibility
             Brazil. Despite collectively housing around 65   to broader systemic disruptions, SIDS find
             million  people  —  just  under  1%  of  the  global   navigating these challenges particularly daunting.
             population — SIDS grapple with a series of
             intensified socio-economic and environmental     The Third International Conference on Small
             vulnerabilities.                                 Island Developing States held in Samoa in 2014
                                                              marked a significant international commitment
             One of the inherent challenges many SIDS         to addressing these issues. The resultant SAMOA
             encounter stems from their geographic isolation.   Pathway sheds light on the detrimental effects
             This remoteness translates into elevated import   of climate change and the increasing sea levels
             and export costs, erratic international traffic   on the efforts of SIDS, emphasizing the need for
             volumes, and a heavy reliance on external markets   solutions  in areas  like  economic development,
             owing  to  their  limited natural  resource  base.  food security, disaster risk management, and
             Remarkably, the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)    marine conservation. 13

                                                                                                                                     Goal 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE
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