Page 110 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 110

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, the UAE solidified its commitment to Small   In a country-by-country breakdown, the Maldives
             Island Developing States (SIDS) by allocating AED   stood out as the primary recipient of the UAE’s
             206.4 million (USD 56.2 million) in foreign assistance   foreign assistance in 2022, garnering 80% of the aid
             to 15 SIDS. Distinctly, Comoros and Haiti, were doubly   designated for SIDS. Seychelles and Comoros trailed
             classified as both SIDS and Least Developed Countries   closely, and when combined with the Maldives, these
             (LDCs).  Of  this  financial  aid,  a  staggering  93%  was   three countries collectively accounted for an impressive
             provided as grants, with the remaining portion    93% of the UAE’s total contributions to SIDS that year.
             presented as concessional loans.                  When observed over a five-year span, from 2018-2022,
             The UAE’s assistance to SIDS in 2022 was          the UAE’s support towards SIDS has amounted to AED
             predominantly focused on development, with 98% of   1.10  billion  (USD  298.9  million),  of  which  86%  was
             the aid channeled towards development initiatives. The   extended as grants.
             remaining 2% was dedicated to humanitarian aid and
             charitable endeavors.

             Allocation Insights

              01    Construction and Civil Development

             In 2022, the UAE prominently channeled its financial   fortify its infrastructural foundation. This emphasis
             resources towards bolstering the construction and civil   demonstrates the UAE’s commitment to fostering
             development sector in SIDS, earmarking a significant   infrastructural and developmental growth, recognizing
             67% of the total funds, equivalent to AED 137.7 million   the transformative potential such investments hold for
             (USD 37.5 million). This support underscores the UAE’s   the future of nations like the Maldives within the SIDS
             robust partnership with the Government of Maldives,   group.
             as it seeks to amplify its development initiatives and

              02    Energy Generation and Supply

             Acknowledging the energy challenges faced by SIDS,   in the Maldives, a solar photovoltaic (PV) ground-
             especially their nascent renewable energy sector, 12%   mounted project and a solar-battery initiative in Haiti’s
             of the UAE’s SIDS-directed funds in 2022 (AED 24.4   rural Dondon village and Wakenaam island in Guyana,
             million;  USD  6.6  million)  were  allocated  to  solar  and   a solar energy project at the University of the Caribbean
             wind projects spanning eight of these states. This   in Jamaica, and a 5 MW solar power plant in Comoros.
             catalyzed diverse projects like a floating solar plant
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