Page 96 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 96

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

                                                              Figure (22): UAE Assistance to Africa
                                                              by Region and Assistance Category
                                                              (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

                                                                 Development     Humanitarian     Charity

                 USD                  million                                                     176.3  57%

                                                             Eastern Africa        307.2          115.2  38%
                                                                                                   15.6  5%

                                                                                                   74.4  47%
                                                             Western Africa                        21.9  14%
                                                                                                   61.4  39%

                                                                                                   96.5  75%
                                                                                   128.7           14.3  11%
             Africa has consistently been a focal point of the   Northern Africa    21%
             UAE’s foreign aid efforts. In 2022, contributions                                     17.9  14%
             directed towards development, humanitarian
             aid, and charitable assistance projects across
             the continent reached AED 2.21 billion (USD
                                                                                                   3.1  57%
             600.6 million). This represented a 10% increase                        5.5
             compared to the previous  year, underscoring    Middle Africa           1%            1.3  23%
             the UAE’s expanding commitment to Africa’s                                            1.1  20%
             sustainable  development.

             Consistent  with  previous  years,  93%  of  the
                                                                                                   0.1  17%
             UAE’s foreign assistance to Africa in 2022 was                         0.8
             provided as grants. Furthermore, a significant   Southern Africa       0.1%           0.6  73%
             58%  of  the  foreign  assistance  was  devoted                                       0.1  11%
             to  development  assistance,  while  26%  was
             earmarked  for  humanitarian  and  emergency
             relief efforts, and the remaining sum was
             allocated  to charitable  giving.                                                     0.5  65%
                                                             Multi-region           0.8            0.3  35%
                                                             (Africa)               0.1%
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101