Page 92 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 92

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

                                                              Figure (21): UAE Assistance to Asia
                                                              by Region and Assistance Category
                                                              (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

                                                                 Development     Humanitarian     Charity

                     USD  1,436.9 million
                                                                                                 1,023.2  91%

                                                                Western Asia       1,119.9        84.9   8%
                                                                                                  11.8   1%

                                                                                                  87.0  42%
                                                                Southern Asia       208.4         98.6  47%
                                                                                                  22.9  11%

             In 2022, echoing the patterns of the previous year,
             Asia emerged as a significant beneficiary of UAE’s                                   58.8  94%
             foreign assistance.  This support, totaling AED    Central Asia         62.9         0.4    1%
             5.28 billion (USD 1.44 billion), accounted for 42%                      4%
             of the overall foreign assistance from the UAE in                                    3.7    6%
             2022.  The majority, 59%, of the disbursements to
             this continent was offered as grants.
                                                                                                  27.8  61%
             From a category perspective, 83% of the foreign
                                                                South-Eastern        45.6         1.5    3%
             assistance  was  dedicated  to  development        Asia                 3%
             aid,  13%  to  humanitarian  assistance,  with  the                                  16.2  36%
             remaining amount allocated for charitable giving.
             A  significant  portion  -  4%  of  UAE’s  funding  to
             Asia was steered towards six Least Developed
             Countries (LDCs).                                                                    0.01  16%
                                                                Eastern Asia        0.03
                                                                                   0.002%         0.03  84%
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97