Page 98 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 98

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             The 2022 disbursements to Africa were extensively   Northern Africa received 21% of the UAE’s total
             focused on 28 Least Developed Countries (LDCs)   aid designated for the African continent. The aid
             in the continent, receiving 80% of the aid. Another   to  this region  reached  AED 472.8  million  (USD
             19%  was  allocated  to  12  Lower-middle  Income   128.7 million) in 2022. Egypt was the predominant
             Countries (LMICs). Additionally, four Small      recipient, securing nearly half of the UAE’s foreign
             Island Developing States (SIDS) on the continent   aid allocated for Northern Africa. Meanwhile,
             received funding worth AED 28.2 million (USD 7.7   Sudan and Morocco also significantly benefited,
             million).                                        garnering 29% and 13% of the UAE’s aid to the
                                                              region,  respectively.
             Eastern Africa saw more than double the UAE’s
             foreign aid support in 2022, accounting for 51%   Six countries in Middle Africa received AED 20.3
             of the total, making it the UAE’s most supported   million (USD 5.5 million) in foreign aid funding
             region in Africa in 2022. With disbursements     from the UAE in 2022.  Chad stood out as the
             reaching AED 1.13 billion (USD 307.2 million), this   principal recipient, followed by DR  Congo.
             considerable upswing was largely attributed to a
             tenfold increase in contributions to both Ethiopia   In terms of the sectors of assistance, UAE funding
             and South Sudan, and a 60% increase in aid to    in 2022 to Africa was distributed across three main
             Somalia, compared to the previous year.          sectors: social services, health, and commodity
                                                              aid, with disbursements accounting for nearly
             Western Africa  was  allocated  26%,  amounting   70%  of  the  total.    Moreover,  projects  directed
             to  AED 579.0  million  (USD 157.6  million), of   towards water and road transport infrastructure
             the UAE’s foreign assistance to Africa in 2022.     received 9% of total aid to Africa in 2022.
             Senegal emerged as the most significant recipient,
             and together with Mauritania, Liberia, and Niger,
             these four nations accounted for 65% of the total
             UAE foreign assistance funding to this region in
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