Page 253 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 253


                                                              A distinct approach called “Country Partnerships
                  UAE Foreign Assistance                      for Development” is adopted, where the UAE
                                                              collaborates with specific nations to roll out
                  Policy 2022
                                                              extensive aid programs, which are tailored to suit
                                                              each country’s developmental needs. Strategies
                                                              involve collaboration with recipient governments,
                                                              civil society, and other donors, and encompass
                                                              trade and investment incentives, all geared
                                                              towards magnifying GDP growth. Recognizing
                                                              the challenges posed by fragile and conflict-
             The 2022 update of the UAE’s Foreign Assistance
                                                              stricken states, the UAE advocates for sensitive
             Policy reaffirms its longstanding commitment
                                                              interventions that aim to reinforce institutions
             to global development and humanitarian
                                                              and minimize conflict. Its foreign aid primarily
             support since 1971. The UAE consistently aids
                                                              targets the Middle East and Arab regions, but also
             underserved communities globally, fostering
                                                              extends to other under-supported or strategically
             its economic and societal upliftment through
                                                              aligned countries worldwide.
             alliances with local and international entities,
             including the United Nations. Celebrating its 50th
                                                              Moreover, the UAE engages in Triangular and
             anniversary in 2021, the UAE accentuated its
                                                              Multilateral Partnerships. Triangular Partnerships
             impartial approach to humanitarian assistance,
                                                              involve collaboration with another donor country
             devoid of religious, racial, or political biases.
                                                              to jointly support selected nations, while           Feature
                                                              Multilateral Partnerships encompass cooperation
             The policy synchronizes with the 2030 Sustainable
                                                              with multiple multilateral entities for specific
             Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to cultivate
                                                              causes, as evidenced by its involvement in
             sustainable growth, strengthen international ties,
                                                              stabilization programs in Syria and Iraq.
             eliminate poverty,  and promote global peace.
             The UAE’s aid aligns with multiple SDGs, giving
                                                              Globally, the UAE has identified seven thematic
             special  emphasis to  eleven  key goals,  such  as
                                                              areas for its assistance: Infrastructure, Women’s
             eradicating poverty, promoting quality education,
                                                              and   Girls’  Empowerment     and   Protection,
             and combating climate change.
                                                              Education, Climate Change, Food Security,
                                                              and Sciences, Technology, and Innovation
             The aid objectives resonate with the vision of the
                                                              (STI). With its rich experience in infrastructure
             late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, focusing
                                                              development, gender equality initiatives, focus
             on poverty alleviation, regional stability, global
                                                              on quality education, and proactive stance on
             relationship building, and the economic upliftment
                                                              climate change, the UAE leverages its strengths
             of developing countries. The core principles of the
                                                              to contribute significantly to global challenges.
             UAE’s assistance include supporting localized
                                                              The nation also addresses food security in light
             development, fostering global collaboration,
                                                              of increasing global demands and the challenges
             addressing often-neglected needs,  leveraging
                                                              posed by climate change and the COVID-19
             the UAE’s unique strengths, ensuring sustainable
                                                              pandemic. Furthermore, recognizing the pivotal
             interventions, and maintaining transparency and
                                                              role of STI  in achieving the SDGs,  the UAE
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