Page 249 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 249

Section 06
                                                                          UAE’s Official Development Assistance (ODA)

              01    By Funding Type

             In 2022,  the UAE’s Official  Development        recipient countries without placing them under
             Assistance (ODA) predominantly favored grant-    substantial financial obligations. Conversely, the
             based aid, with grants making up 63% of the total   37% allocated as loans mirrors the UAE’s vision
             ODA, or AED 4.12 billion (USD 1.12 billion). This   of fostering fiscal responsibility and sustainability
             inclination towards grants demonstrates the UAE’s   in the receiving nations.
             dedication to effecting positive transformation in

              02    By Sector

             In 2022, the UAE’s commitment to global          substantial AED 551.5 million (USD 150.2 million)
             sustainable development and humanitarian         specifically  for  control  measures.  Moreover, the
             assistance was prominently evident in the        UAE dedicated AED 319.7 million (USD 87.0

             allocation of its Official Development Assistance   million) to address emergency health situations,
             (ODA).  A  significant  portion,  over  40%  or  AED   further  highlighting  its commitment  to  fostering
             2.79 billion (USD 758.4 million), was designated   global health resilience.
             for the  General Programme  Assistance Sector.
             This underscores the UAE’s strategy to bolster the   Furthermore, the UAE’s humanitarian compass
             macroeconomic stability of developing nations,   pointed towards commodity aid, making it the
             with AED 2.42 billion (USD 659.8 million) being   third-largest sector supported in its 2022 ODA

             directly infused into the general budgets of these   disbursements.  The  sector  received  13%  of  the
             countries.                                       total funding, which amounts to AED 813.5
                                                              million (USD 221.5 million).  The majority of this, a
             In the face of global health crises, the UAE     combined AED 708.3 million (USD 192.8 million),
             displayed a keen sense of responsibility,        was channeled towards providing emergency
             earmarking  21%  of  its  ODA,  which  equates  to   food aid and addressing emergency multi-sector
             AED 1.34 billion (USD 364.2 million), to health-  needs, demonstrating the UAE’s proactive
             related initiatives. The global urgency to tackle the   response to alleviating acute crises in vulnerable
             COVID-19 pandemic saw the UAE contributing a     regions.
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