Page 246 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 246

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

            Figure (52): ODA Disbursements
            By Income Level and Country
            (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

                                                       Yemen                          386.6  (53%)
            Least Developed Countries
            733.5    (41%)                            Ethiopia                        176.0  (24%)

                                                      Somalia                         43.8   (6%)
                                                   South Sudan                        27.2   (4%)
                                                   Afghanistan                        21.7   (3%)
                                                        Others                        78.2  (11%)

                                                      Pakistan                        77.0  (30%)
            Lower Middle Income
                                                     Palestine                        67.6  (26%)
            257.1   (15%)                               Egypt                         29.7  (12%)
                                                    Uzbekistan                        25.9  (10%)
                                                     Morocco                          16.2   (6%)

                                                       Others                         40.6  (16%)

                                                       Jordan                         389.4  (72%)
            Upper Middle Income
                                                     Maldives                         44.7   (8%)
            539.5     (30%)
                                                      Albania                         22.3   (4%)
                                                    Azerbaijan                        15.6   (3%)
                                                       Serbia                         15.6   (3%)
                                                       Others                         51.9  (10%)

            Low Income
                                                        Syria                         30.3  (100%)
            30.3   (2%)

            Unspecified (Multi-country programs)      (Global)                        209.6  (99.9%)
            209.9   (12%)                              (Africa)                       0.3  (0.1%)
   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251