Page 248 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 248

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             ODA to Countries in Special Situations

             In  2022,  the  UAE  demonstrated  its  diversified   AED 183.0 million (USD 49.8 million) to the
             approach to international aid, reinforcing       Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is equally
             support to strategically important and often     notable. SIDS, due to their small size and
             underrepresented categories of nations. The UAE   often remote locations, grapple with unique
             directed AED 928.0 million (USD 252.6 million)   vulnerabilities, particularly in the face of climate
             in ODA towards the Landlocked Developing         change and environmental challenges. The UAE’s
             Countries (LLDCs), a group of nations that face   financial support indicates its recognition of
             distinctive challenges due to their geographical   these challenges and a commitment to fostering
             positioning, impacting trade, development, and   resilience and sustainable development within
             often making them more vulnerable to external    these  island  nations.
             shocks. By providing this significant financial
             support,  the  UAE  not  only  acknowledges  these   Both ODA allocations to the LLDCs and SIDS
             unique challenges but also actively participates in   emphasize the UAE’s nuanced approach to
             mitigating them.                                 international aid, ensuring that even the most
             Simultaneously, the UAE’s ODA allocation of      geographically challenged nations are not left
                                                              behind in the pursuit of sustainable development.
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