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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Bilateral and Multilateral ODA

             In 2022, the landscape of the United Arab        to addressing fundamental challenges and driving
             Emirates’  Official  Development    Assistance   sustainable change in beneficiary countries.
             (ODA) reflected an emphasis towards bilateral
             contributions. While a portion of its ODA        In terms of a broader support to and through the
             went towards supporting the core budgets of      multilateral  system,  in  2022,  the  UAE  provided
             international organizations, including that of   AED 678.0 million (USD 184.6 million) of gross
             the United Nations (UN), this multilateral ODA   ODA to the multilateral system, or 10% of the total
             constituted  a  mere  3%  of  the  total.  In  stark   ODA disbursements.   Of this, AED 176.5 million
             contrast, the overwhelming majority, a substantial   (USD 48.1 million) was core multilateral ODA.
             AED 6.31 billion (equivalent to USD 1.72 billion),   Non-core ODA contributions, or those earmarked
             was channeled bilaterally.                       for a specific country, region, theme or purpose
                                                              reached 501.5 million (USD 136.5 million).
             This total bilateral ODA highlights the UAE’s
             strategic approach in fostering direct relationships   More  than  half  (56%)  of  the  UAE’s  total
             with beneficiary nations and entities. These     contributions to multilateral organizations in 2022
             bilateral funds encompassed a broad spectrum of   was allocated to the United Nations (UN) system.
             initiatives and beneficiaries, ranging from direct   Of the AED 381.0 (USD 103.7 million) to the UN
             support to governments and technical assistance   system, the top three UN recipients of the UAE’s
             to projects spearheaded by UAE’s own donor       support were the World Food Programme (WFP)
             institutions. It further embraced contributions to   with AED 237.8 million (USD 64.7 million), World
             non-governmental organizations and civil society   Health Organization (WHO) with AED 50.4 million
             groups.                                          (USD 13.7 million), and the United Nations High
                                                              Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) with AED
             More than half (55%) of the UAE’s bilateral ODA   30.0 million (USD 8.2 million).
             was provided to the public sector. AED 501.5
             million  (USD  136.5  million),  or  8%  of  gross
             bilateral ODA was channelled through multilateral
             organizations, including the United Nations (UN).
             Technical cooperation made up 3% of the UAE’s
             gross ODA in 2022.  Meanwhile, national NGOs
             and civil society organizations received AED
             106.0 million (USD 28.9 million) in gross ODA
             from the UAE.

             A deeper dive into the UAE’s bilateral ODA in 2022
             unveils a focus on key sectors, underscoring the
             nation’s priorities in global assistance. Primary
             sectors benefitting from these disbursements
             included general budget support, health,
             commodity aid, and food aid. By targeting these
             crucial areas, the UAE reaffirmed its commitment
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