Page 254 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 254

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             emphasizes technological innovation and shares   In  addressing  the  vulnerabilities of  children,
             its expertise to drive global development.       especially among refugees and displaced groups,
                                                              the UAE has undertaken initiatives to safeguard
             The  UAE  has  solidified  its  position  as  a  leading   them  during emergencies,  focusing  on health,
             figure in humanitarian assistance, channeling    nutrition, and education. Moreover, recognizing
             efforts  through  over  40  entities  from  various   the evolving disaster management capabilities
             sectors, including humanitarian, governmental,   of crisis-stricken nations, the UAE supports
             and private domains. Dubai’s International       these countries by  enhancing their  emergency
             Humanitarian City (IHC), the world’s most        response, furthering academic collaborations,
             extensive hub for humanitarian operations,       and facilitating local capacity-building. As part of
             exemplifies the UAE’s commitment. During         their broader strategy, the UAE is committed to
             the COVID-19 pandemic, the UAE augmented         stabilization in conflict-ridden regions, striving for
             its  response by  establishing  colossal  logistics   sustainable recovery, and ensuring basic services.
             centers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. With increasing   Simultaneously,  foreign  aid  is  a  key  component
             humanitarian emergencies, particularly in its    of the UAE’s approach to counter extremism at
             vicinity,  the  UAE  has  committed  to  dedicating   its  roots, leveraging  technology  and bilateral
             at  least  15%  of  its  foreign  aid  to  humanitarian   partnerships to uplift vulnerable nations and
             endeavors. The UAE’s strategy is two-fold:       counter extremist narratives, particularly among
             direct emergency assistance and strengthening    youth.
             global humanitarian organizations. The country
             also positions itself as a hub for humanitarian   The private sector is instrumental in driving
             discourse and innovation, evidenced by platforms   sustainable development.  Understanding that
             like the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid &   development aid alone doesn’t ensure prosperity,
             Development (DIHAD).                             the importance of businesses, including foreign
                                                              entities, becomes clear. Such businesses bring
             Since 1971, the UAE’s humanitarian drive has     employment, training, technology, and wealth.
             been unmistakable, aiding countless individuals   Nevertheless, they often encounter obstacles
             during crises. The country leverages its entities,   in developing nations, such as political risks,
             such as the Emirates Red Crescent, in conjunction   financing issues, limited market insights,
             with international bodies to optimize aid        infrastructure gaps, skill shortages, and regulatory
             effectiveness. Coordination is crucial, overseen   challenges. The UAE’s foreign assistance strategy
             by the “UAE Committee for the Coordination of    prioritizes  addressing these  hurdles,  aiming to
             Humanitarian Aid,” which streamlines efforts     create a business-friendly environment in these
             across organizations. At the multilateral level,   regions.
             partnerships with the United Nations and other
             multilateral and international organizations enrich   Keen on  amplifying  its economic  relationship
             both  the  UAE’s  contributions  and  the  broader   with partner countries, the UAE zeroes in on
             global humanitarian response. The UAE is also    refining the business landscape and promoting
             vigilant about “forgotten emergencies,” lesser-  business information exchanges. This involves
             known crises that often miss global attention. It is   championing  business  regulatory  reforms,
             redirecting focus to these situations and pushing   refining customs procedures, and endorsing
             for a shift in evaluating aid’s success, emphasizing   specific trade norms. The private sector’s insights
             the tangible impact rather than sheer volume.    are crucial in determining potential challenges
                                                              and identifying prospective partnership nations.
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