Page 256 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

                                                              marked by pervasive crises and vulnerabilities, the
                                                              United Arab Emirates (UAE) once again rose to the
               The UAE’s Strategic and                        occasion, actively contributing to global relief efforts.
               Humanitarian Response to                       The UAE’s extensive initiatives during this tumultuous
                                                              period are epitomized by its commitment to aiding
               Global COVID-19 Challenges
                                                              many nations in their battle against the pandemic.
                                                              The UAE, leveraging its advanced logistical
                                                              capabilities and robust infrastructure, managed to
                                                              efficiently navigate the logistical complexities of
                                                              global aid distribution, ensuring timely and effective
                                                              delivery of assistance to those in dire need.
             The relentless surge  of the COVID-19 pandemic
             has brought about profound disruptions, leaving   The aid, amounting to AED 3.07 billion (USD 835.5
             an abrupt and lasting impact on people around    million) over the span of three years from 2020 to
             the globe, particularly the most vulnerable and   2022, has been aptly distributed to more than 130
             impoverished communities. This global health     countries, including a spectrum of 34 Least Developed
             catastrophe  has  not  only  strained  healthcare   Countries (LDCs), 30 Small Island Developing States
             systems to their breaking point but has also halted   (SIDS), and 28 Landlocked Developing Countries
             access to education, wrought economic havoc,     (LLDCs).  It is significant that nearly a third of the
             deepening inequalities, and exacerbating the     comprehensive aid was strategically allotted to the
             plight of those already entrenched in precarious   LDCs, reflecting a nuanced understanding of the
             circumstances. The most vulnerable populations—  disparate impacts of the pandemic and a targeted
             residing in areas afflicted by poverty, conflict, and   approach to alleviating the additional burdens
             inadequate healthcare infrastructures—have found   faced by these nations.  The countries of Palestine,
             themselves at the convergence of multifaceted    Ethiopia, Syria, Comoros, Tunisia, and Mauritania
             crises, grappling with heightened uncertainties and   were  pivotal
             diminished access to essential services.         recipients of the UAE’s encompassing support,
                                                              jointly receiving more than one-third of the total
             Amidst navigating its own set of COVID-19        COVID-19 foreign aid extended during 2020-2022.
             challenges, the UAE displayed exemplary resilience
             and magnanimity, ensuring that its domestic      A majority of the extensive aid, constituting nearly
             undertakings did not overshadow its longstanding   90%  or  AED  2.72  billion  (USD  740.2  million),  was
             commitment to extend a helping hand to those     provided as bilateral assistance to governments,
             beyond its frontiers.  Cognizant of the fact that the   ensuring that the support was tailored and
             pandemic caused unprecedented challenges in a    immediately responsive to the specific needs of the
             wide array of sectors, the UAE’s COVID-19 related   recipient nations.  Additionally, AED 163.6 million
             global efforts accordingly addressed multi-faceted   (USD 44.6 million) was allocated through synergistic
             needs.  This foreign assistance consisted not only of   partnerships with several United Nations entities,
             emergency health responses and COVID-19 control,   notably including contributions of AED 43.1 million
             it also aimed to tackle disruptions in the education   (USD 11.7 million) to the World Health Organization
             sector, as well as preparing for future pandemics,   (WHO) and AED 23.9 million (USD 6.5 million) to the
             and economic recovery.                           World Food Programme (WFP). This collaborative
                                                              approach underpins the UAE’s acknowledgment
             Between 2020-2022, amidst a global landscape     of the importance of collective action and global
                                                              cooperation in addressing and overcoming such
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