Page 255 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 255


             The UAE places particular emphasis on uplifting
             innovation and entrepreneurship within SMEs in   As the UAE’s Foreign Assistance Policy unfolds,
             these countries. Plans for Regional Innovation   it is evident that the nation’s dedication to
             Centres, acting as business incubators, are in   global well-being is deeply ingrained in its ethos.
             motion.                                          Embracing the spirit of Emirati generosity and
                                                              unity, this policy goes beyond mere relief, aiming
             UAE’s Donors, Humanitarian and Charitable        to drive sustainable transformation globally. From
             Organizations: Over 45 donor institutions in the   targeting the underlying challenges to advocating
             UAE span domains from humanitarian assistance    for the protection of the most vulnerable, the
             and emergency relief to development projects     UAE’s approach emphasizes collaboration and
             and charitable endeavors, all rooted in the Emirati   impact. With the contemporary world facing
             tradition of generosity. The UAE ardently supports   complex issues, the UAE’s commitment to shared
             these donors globally, ensuring a consolidated   growth and unity showcases its role as a pivotal
             Foreign Aid branding and comprehensive annual    player in promoting global peace and prosperity.

             The UAE, valuing the multilateral framework for
             global  issue  mitigation,  invests  in  UN  bodies,
             NGOs, development banks, and regional entities.
             Its foreign aid policy nurtures relationships with
             selected organizations mirroring its objectives.
             This  partnership  transcends  mere  financial  aid;
             the UAE partakes in strategic decisions, joint
             projects, and ensures its representation within                                                       Feature
             these groups. Collaborating with other donor
             nations, the UAE emphasizes working with
             proficient international NGOs and hosting global
             organizations and summits to reinforce its status
             as a humanitarian dialogue nexus.

             Sharing expertise and enhancing capabilities
             are cornerstones of the UAE’s foreign aid ethos.
             The UAE’s technical support spans bilateral
             partnerships, humanitarian aid, and encouraging
             private sector engagement. The UAE Technical
             Assistance Programme (UAE-TAP) embodies this
             spirit, disseminating the UAE’s developmental
             insights. Through the UAE-TAP, the country
             disseminates its governmental efficiency know-
             how, offering consultations, training, research
             visits, and scholarships, all aligned with the
             Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The
             UAE also partners with global entities to refine
             administrative and public service standards.
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