Page 257 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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             unparalleled  health  crises.                    proactive involvement of ADFD in such initiatives
             In a profound display of global solidarity, the UAE’s   underscores its resolve to bolster global recovery
             aid incorporated the provision of more than 8 million   and promote economic stability amidst the
             COVID-19 vaccine doses and over 5 million test kits,   debilitating impacts of the pandemic.
             a significant contribution at a time when the global
             supply was grappling with limitations. Furthermore,   These extensive endeavors and the nuanced
             over 2,000 tons of critical medical equipment and   deployment of aid reflect the UAE’s holistic and
             supplies,  including  personal  protective  equipment   strategic approach to international humanitarian
             (PPE), sanitizing supplies, medicines, ventilators,   assistance. The dedication to both immediate
             and oxygen tanks, were dispatched to bolster the   and  long-term  solutions  and  the  emphasis  on
             medical capabilities of the recipient countries,   collaborative, targeted, and impactful support
             directly supporting millions of health professionals   underscore the UAE’s unwavering commitment to
             on the front lines of the pandemic.              fostering global well-being, stability, and resilience.
                                                              Through its diverse and extensive aid initiatives,
             Beyond emergency health and medical needs,       the UAE continues to epitomize the spirit of global
             the UAE has orchestrated hundreds of air bridge   solidarity and shared  responsibility, fortifying its
             operations and medical aid convoys and has       stature as a committed ally in the collective pursuit
             undertaken the construction of more than a dozen   of global peace, health and prosperity in the face of
             field hospitals in regions severely affected by the   unprecedented challenges.
             pandemic. These included a 200-bed hospital in
             Mauritania, a 216-bed facility in Iraq, a 135-bed field   The UAE provided
             hospital in Aleppo, and a notably expansive 11,400
             square-meter hospital in Tunisia, to name a few.   •   Hundreds of air bridge operations
             These establishments are not mere infrastructures;   •   Medical aid convoys                          Feature
             they  are  manifestations  of  hope  and  resolute   •  More than 8 million COVID-19 vaccine doses,
             support, bolstering the medical capacities of the   including when the global supply is limited.
             respective nations and providing immediate relief to   •   More than 5 million test kits
             the  affected populations.                       •  More than 2,000 tons of medicalv equipment
                                                              and supplies, including PPE, sanitizing supplies,
             On the economic front, the Abu Dhabi Fund for    medicines,  ventilators,  oxygen  tanks.
             Development (ADFD) played a pivotal role in fulfilling   •   Supported millions of health professionals
             the Arab  Coordination Group’s  commitment by    • Constructed field hospitals to treat people
             contributing  to the  allocation of  AED 36.73  billion   affected by COVID. This includes the 200-bed
             (USD 10.00 billion). This fund is aimed at aiding   hospital in Mauritania, 208-bed hospital in Sudan,
             developing nations in their recovery from the    216-bed hospital in Lebanon, 216-bed field hospital
             economic deceleration  induced by  the pandemic.   in Jordan, 100-bed hospital in Sierra Leone, 200
             Additionally, ADFD pioneered an initiative that   bed hospital in Guinea, 216-bed hospital in Iraq,
             facilitated the deferment of debt repayments for the   135-bed field hospital in Alleppo, 215-bed hospital
             year 2020 by the developing countries availing the   in  Palestine,  the  11.400  square-meter  hospital  in
             Fund’s loans. This initiative not only underscores   Tunisia, the WFP field hospitals transported by
             ADFD’s unwavering commitment to supporting       the UAE from Norway and Belgium to Ghana and
             nations in distress but also reflects a broader vision   Ethiopia.
             of fostering resilience and sustainable development
             in the face of unprecedented global challenges. The
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