Page 244 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 244

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             UAE ODA Disbursements

             The United Arab Emirates provided AED 5.18       This suggests that even amidst economic
             billion (USD 1.41 billion) of Official Development   challenges and changing budgetary focuses, the
             Assistance (ODA) in 2022, representing 0.28% of   UAE’s dedication to advancing global prosperity
             Gross National Income (GNI).  While this reflects a   remains steadfast. The nation’s growing ODA
             slight dip compared to the ODA/GNI contribution   stands as evidence of its unwavering commitment
             in 2021, in real terms volume, UAE’s ODA in 2022   to contributing actively to a brighter, more
             increased by 12%.                                equitable global future.

             UAE ODA Towards Humanitarian Assistance

             In 2022, the United Arab Emirates displayed an   regions facing health emergencies. Additionally,
             unwavering commitment to global humanitarian     integrated solutions in emergency multi-sector
             efforts, allocating 17% of its Official Development   aid, combined with emergency shelter and Non-
             Assistance (ODA), amounting to AED 1.10 billion   Food Items (NFIs), were collectively allocated over
             (USD 298.3 million), specifically for humanitarian   20% of the humanitarian ODA, translating to AED
             assistance and emergency response. Notably, of   229.6 million (USD 62.5 million).  This allocation
             this humanitarian-centric ODA, a significant 44%   underscores the UAE’s holistic approach to crisis
             (AED 478.7 million or USD 130.3 million) was     management, ensuring that various needs are
             prioritized for emergency food aid, addressing   met concurrently.
             immediate nutritional needs in crisis-hit areas.
                                                              The primary beneficiaries of the UAE’s robust
             Furthermore,  emergency  health  initiatives  were   humanitarian ODA in 2022 were Ethiopia,
             at the forefront of the UAE’s humanitarian       Pakistan, and Jordan, emphasizing the nation’s
             agenda.  The  UAE  dedicated  nearly  30%  of    strategic focus and commitment to regions facing
             the total ODA, or AED 319.7 million (USD 87.0    acute humanitarian challenges.
             million), towards healthcare interventions in

              01    By Income Level

             The collective endeavor of the global development   In 2022, the United Arab Emirates once again
             community is guided by a common purpose: to      demonstrated its deep-seated alignment with this
             direct aid where its impact is most profound.    global objective. The UAE met the upper threshold
             Central to this mission is the globally endorsed   of the international ODA target for LDCs, with its
             benchmark which seeks to allocate 0.15-0.20      ODA/GNI to LDCs registering at 0.17%. In a clear
             percent of a country’s ODA/GNI towards the       reflection of the UAE’s focused strategy to elevate
             Least Developed  Countries (LDCs). This  target   the well-being of the world’s most vulnerable
             encapsulates the  recognition of  the distinctive   populations, the UAE channeled 41% of its total
             hurdles and complexities faced by these nations,   2022 Official Development Assistance (ODA)
             necessitating tailored and concentrated support.  towards 32 LDCs. This commitment translates to
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