Page 242 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 242

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022


                   The international community recognizes Official   nations to uphold their promises. It further
                   Development Assistance (ODA) as more than   stipulates that 0.15% to 0.20% of ODA/GNI be
                   just a financial metric. Governed by rigorous   designated for the world’s Least Developed
                   standards set by the Organisation for Economic   Countries  (LDCs)  to  address  their  distinct
                   Co-operation and Development’s Development   challenges.
                   Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC), ODA
                   serves as an essential barometer of a nation’s   Amidst this global commitment, the United
                   dedication to confronting global  challenges,   Arab  Emirates  stands  tall.  The  UAE,  under  its
                   such  as  poverty,  healthcare  disparities,  and   visionary leadership, has consistently been
                   sustainable  development.                  recognized as one of the world’s most generous
                                                              ODA contributors when measured against the
                   Since 1970, the United Nations has advocated   ODA/GNI yardstick. Its foreign aid strategies,
                   for the target of dedicating 0.7% of a country’s   reaching across continents, prioritize sectors
                   Gross National Income (GNI) to ODA. This   pivotal for global advancement, such as health,
                   figure encapsulates a shared aspiration    education, and infrastructure.
                   for  transformative  change  and  has  been
                   emphasized in various international dialogues,   Especially noteworthy are the UAE’s significant
                   particularly those centering  on sustainable   aid efforts towards the Least Developed
                   development.                               Countries (LDCs),  demonstrating  a deep
                                                              understanding of their intricate challenges. By
                   The  15-year  blueprint  of  the  Sustainable   making considerable strides to meet and even
                   Development Goals (SDGs) bolsters this     surpass the ODA targets in previous years, the
                   commitment. Goal 17, in particular, emphasizes   UAE has underscored its steadfast role in global
                   the importance of ODA and urges developed   humanitarian and development endeavors.
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