Page 238 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 238

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             The Ahmed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Charitable and      Aligning with global imperatives, the Foundation has
             Humanitarian Foundation embodies the UAE’s        championed five of the 17 United Nations Sustainable
             unwavering  commitment   to   advancing  global   Development Goals (SDGs). It has concentrated its
             development and well-being. In 2022, the Foundation   efforts primarily on SDGs 17 (Partnerships for the
             allocated AED 2.1 million (USD 0.6 million) to support   Goals), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation, and 1 (No
             initiatives across 14 developing nations. Of this   Poverty), highlighting its comprehensive approach to
             allocation,  nearly  30%  directly  benefited  nine  Least   addressing the multifaceted challenges that societies
             Developed Countries (LDCs).  Egypt, Mauritania, and   face  globally.
             Niger stood out as the top aid recipients.
             The Foundation’s hands-on approach to foreign     Over the span of five years, the Ahmed bin Zayed Al
             aid is evident in its direct involvement in project   Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation
             implementation over the past four years. A deep dive   has  disbursed a  total  of AED  43.7  million (USD  11.9
             into its financial contributions presents a focus on   million) in grant funding, affirming its impactful role in
             sustainable  development,  as  67%  of  the  funds  were   international aid and development.
             channeled towards development programs. Charitable
             endeavors received 23% of the aid funding, with the
             remaining funds dedicated to humanitarian assistance.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Social Services

             The Ahmed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Charitable and     countries, prominently featuring eight Least Developed
             Humanitarian Foundation, in 2022, primarily directed   Countries (LDCs). Central to this program was the act of
             its financial  support towards  the Social  Services   providing meals to those observing the sacred fasting
             Sector, emphasizing its commitment to enhancing   hours, ensuring that they could break their fast with
             the well-being  of global  communities through  its   nourishment and gratitude. This initiative, more than
             seasonal programmes. Particularly  noteworthy is   just an act of charity, is a reflection of the Foundation’s
             the Foundation’s reverence for the Holy Month    dedication to fostering community spirit, unity, and
             of Ramadan. Upholding a cherished tradition, the   compassion on a global scale.
             Foundation extended its benevolent reach to 10

               02   Basic Drinking Water Supply

             In 2022, the Ahmed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Charitable and   Mauritania and Niger were beneficiaries of this initiative,
             Humanitarian Foundation underscored its commitment   where the Foundation championed the drilling and
             to addressing one of humanity’s most fundamental   construction of water wells, ensuring communities had
             needs: access to clean drinking water. Recognizing   access to safe and clean water sources. Additionally,
             the profound implications of water access on health,   in Egypt, the Foundation’s endeavors went beyond just
             livelihood, and overall quality of life, the Foundation   well construction. It also took on the crucial task of
             centered its efforts on the Basic Drinking Water Supply   funding the maintenance of water system connections
             Sector.                                          to  households. This  not only  ensured  the availability
                                                              of potable water but also its consistent and efficient
                                                              delivery, underpinning the Foundation’s holistic
                                                              approach to water security and community well-being.
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