Page 234 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 234

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             Noor Dubai, established with the noble vision of creating   Acting as both funder and implementor, Noor Dubai
             a world liberated from preventable blindness, has been   was entirely responsible for the direct execution of all
             a source of light in the realm of ocular health. Serving as   its programs in 2022. In alignment with Sustainable
             a vehicle for therapeutic, preventative, and educational   Development Goal 3 (SDG 3), which seeks to ensure
             interventions, the organization has extensively reached   healthy  lives and  promote well-being  for all,  the
             out  to developing  nations,  aiming to  combat  visual   organization focuses on a three-pronged approach:
             impairment and blindness on both regional and global   therapeutic services, preventive measures, and
             scales. In 2022, the organization channeled its efforts   educational outreach.
             and resources into five nations, deploying AED 2.7
             million (USD 0.7 million) in grant funding. Of this, 59%   Zooming out to a broader timeframe, over the past half-
             was directed towards three Least Developed Countries   decade, from 2018-2022, Noor Dubai has poured AED
             (LDCs),  while  the  remaining  41%  fortified  programs   16.1 million (USD 4.4 million) into the global arena,
             in two  Lower-Middle-Income Countries  (LMICs). A   tenaciously battling against blindness and other ocular
             lion’s share of its 2022 initiatives found its epicenter in   ailments.
             Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia, with these nations
             absorbing over 90% of the total funding.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Health

             In 2022, the Noor Dubai Foundation bolstered its   elementary schools in Katsina, Daura, and Funtua, as
             commitment to eradicating preventable blindness and   part of Noor Dubai’s ongoing comprehensive eye care
             visual impairment. Their determined outreach with   programme, which was launched in the state in 2019.
             disbursements worth AED 2.7 million (USD 0.7 million)   This initiative, echoing the spirit of UN’s SDGs – health,
             spanned multiple nations, with eye treatment camps   quality education, and gender equality – is meticulously
             established in Bangladesh, Ghana, and Nepal, which   planned. Beyond its health objectives, it acknowledges
             catered  to  thousands.                          the profound impact of clear vision on a child’s mental,
                                                              social, and academic evolution. An ambitious target
             In Bangladesh, in addition to the eye treatment camps,   is set: screening 160,000 pupils and 3,000 teachers
             the Foundation embarked on a long-term vision,   across 194 public elementary schools. To ensure
             having initiated a 5-year programme in 2021 designed   efficacy, teacher training sessions will be organized,
             to reduce avoidable blindness. This multifaceted   while experienced ophthalmic nurses  will oversee
             initiative is geared towards fortifying the eye healthcare   the screenings. Anticipating corrective measures,
             system in the Barishal division, ensuring it is holistic,   provisions have been made to offer free spectacles for
             sustainable, and promotes gender and disability   an estimated 3,000 beneficiaries, supported by three
             inclusivity. Notably, the programme prioritizes the   optical workshops and 12 vision centers, honing in on
             treatment and management of refractive error and   refractive error ailments.
             diabetic  retinopathy  –  the  predominant  blindness
             culprits  in Barishal.  The  ambitious target  set for  this   Simultaneously, the Katsina Eye Health Program,
             initiative encompasses benefiting 25,000 children and   mirroring the global “Vision 2020” initiative, seeks
             50,000 adults, alongside raising awareness among an   to comprehensively address eye health in the region
             estimated  4  million  residents  of  Barishal. 29  from 2019 to 2022. Alarming statistics from Katsina
                                                              underscored  the  urgency  –  with  122,000  visually
             Meanwhile, in Nigeria, the Foundation’s influence has   impaired residents and 24,000 blind, but a mere
             been twofold. Teaming up with local institutions like   25% accessing surgical remedies. However, there’s a
             the Katsina State Ministry of Health, they inaugurated a   silver  lining,  as  82%  of  visual  losses  are  treatable  or
             comprehensive ‘School Eye Care Programme’ spanning   preventable. This program delves into capacity-building,
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