Page 231 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 231

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             process, supplementing or even supplanting traditional   These include vocational and craft training projects,
             psychotherapy.  Victims  have  reported  notable  and life skills development.
             enhancements in their emotional wellness through this
             method.                                          DFWAC  is  not  solely  reactive;  their  preventive
                                                              measures aim to create a society devoid of violence.
             The Empowerment Programs stand as a testament to   They champion awareness campaigns, symposiums,
             DFWAC’s belief in holistic healing. These programs   academic lectures, and multimedia outreach, all
             empower victims, imbuing them with the skills and   tailored to enlighten the community on the perils of
             confidence required to regain agency in their lives.   domestic violence, child abuse, and human trafficking.

               The Dubai Foundation for Women and Children takes part in the sixth National Week for Bullying Prevention in the School
               Source: The Dubai Foundation for Women and Children
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