Page 235 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 235

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             training local eye health professionals, and integrating   In 2021, amidst the challenges of the global COVID-19
             healthcare channels for effective patient referrals.   pandemic,  which  momentarily  halted  health
             Noteworthy milestones include 11,000 free cataract   interventions worldwide, Noor Dubai reaffirmed its
             surgeries, which is expected to skyrocket the national   commitment. Charting a four-year plan, the Foundation
             surgery  rate  from  a  meager  10%  to  an  impressive   aims to administer an astounding 43 million doses
             50%.  Additionally,  36,000  screenings  are  slated,   of the antibiotic Zithromax, generously donated by
             coupled with extensive training sessions for over two   Pfizer. This endeavor is set to benefit around 14.3
             million health and community professionals in Katsina.   million individuals, propelling Amhara’s mission to
             Financially speaking, the program, with AED 7.3 million   embrace the WHO’s esteemed SAFE strategy, which
             (USD 2.0) million budget, is expected to generate   encompasses Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial cleanliness,
             approximately AED 29.4 million (USD 8.0 million) in   and Environmental improvement. The Foundation,
             increased productivity, owing to the comprehensive   hand in hand with its partners, is poised to undertake
             solutions  it  offers  -  from  cataract  surgeries  and  free   prevalence surveys, providing a lens into the program’s
             screenings to invaluable support for the permanently   impact. Additionally, by 2025, they anticipate training
             blind and widespread health education. 30        over 74,000 local health professionals, fortifying the
                                                              region’s  medical  infrastructure.
             Trachoma stands as the foremost infectious agent
             causing blindness. Recognizing the severity of this   The collaboration between Noor Dubai Foundation,
             neglected tropical disease (NTD), the Noor Dubai   the Ethiopia Ministry of Health, the Amhara Regional
             Foundation has cemented its dedication to combatting   Health Bureau, The Carter Centre, and numerous other
             it, particularly in Ethiopia, where it lends robust support   partners is a testament to the power of collective
             to  the  Trachoma  Eradication  Programme.       effort. Their joint feats are noteworthy: trachoma has
                                                              been eradicated as a public health concern in 29% of
             The Amhara region of Ethiopia bears the unfortunate   the Amhara region. This partnership has facilitated the
             distinction of being the world’s most trachoma-endemic   delivery of 87 million doses of Zithromax, performed
             region. Since 2013, the Noor Dubai Foundation’s   eyelid surgeries on about 356,620 individuals to stave
             unwavering efforts have assisted in mitigating trachoma   off permanent blindness, and capacitated 49,816
             as a public health menace in nearly a third (29%) of this   health workers, 37,032 educators, and 7,209 surgeons
             region. The severity of trachoma’s impact cannot be   and supervisors with vital trachoma training. Through
             overstated; it affects an estimated 1.9 million people,   their relentless endeavors, they are gradually altering
             rendering  1.2 million  of  them irreversibly  blind.  With   the landscape of trachoma in the Amhara region,
             136.9 million people globally residing in trachoma-  offering hope to millions. 31
             endemic districts, the disease is a formidable obstacle
             to economic and social development, perpetuating
             intergenerational cycles of poverty.
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