Page 230 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             The Dubai Foundation for Women and Children       In  2022,  DFWAC    reaffirmed  its  unwavering
             (DFWAC) is a beacon among the trio of eminent UAE   commitment by allocating AED 3.4 million (USD 0.9
             donors that are steadfastly dedicated to providing care   million) to initiatives aimed at championing this cause.
             and rehabilitation services to women and children who   Adopting a direct approach in the implementation of
             bear the scars of domestic violence, child abuse, and   its projects, DFWAC lends its robust support to the
             human trafficking. With a profound understanding   objectives of SDG 5, advocating for gender equality
             of the sensitive intricacies these issues entail,   and the empowerment of women and girls.
             DFWAC’s initiatives encapsulate the very essence
             of compassionate intervention, ensuring that these   Over the past half-decade, from 2018-2022, this
             victims are not only supported but are also given the   stalwart commitment has translated into AED 29.8
             tools and resources to heal and rebuild their lives.  million (USD 8.1 million) in grant funding, underlining
                                                               the Foundation’s significant role and its dedication to
                                                               making a tangible difference.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Human Rights

             In 2022, the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children   them with their legal entitlements and steering
             (DFWAC) emerged as a pivotal haven, extending its   them through procedural intricacies like case filing.
             protective mantle to scores of women and children   The Foundation’s commitment to justice is further
             who had experienced the harrowing grip of violence   underscored by its partnerships with legal firms,
             and abuse. DFWAC’s approach to rehabilitation is   facilitating victims with legal representation.
             not  merely  systematic;  it  is  deeply  compassionate
             and holistic. A noteworthy segment of their effort   One of the Foundation’s commendable initiatives is
             focuses on the victims of human trafficking. Their   its provision of financial support to victims upon their
             well-orchestrated rehabilitation framework consists   departure, covering expenses like travel tickets back to
             of specialized divisions encompassing social and   their homeland and in-kind monetary assistance.
             psychological services, secure housing facilities, and a
             continuously operating hotline managed by a dedicated   DFWAC’s  commitment to  creating a  support
             call center for instantaneous reports.           infrastructure  that  mirrors  global  best  practices  is
                                                              evident. Their  victim-centric programs,  tailored for
             The expertise  behind  these services  is undeniably   domestic violence and human trafficking victims,
             robust.  The  professionals  helming  the  Foundation’s   seamlessly align with international standards while
             initiatives come armed with academic prowess ranging   staying rooted in the UAE’s legal parameters. These
             from doctorates to diplomas across psychological,   programs are  perpetually  evolving, reflecting  the
             social, and administrative disciplines. Their training   Foundation’s drive  to champion  victims’ rights,
             is meticulous, imparting in-depth insights into the   ensuring their needs are addressed comprehensively.
             nuances of human trafficking – from understanding the
             mechanisms of traffickers to recognizing the traits and   Among the innovative strides made by DFWAC is the
             tribulations of the victims, ensuring a calibrated and   pioneering play therapy program, a comprehensive
             empathetic approach to their rehabilitation.     facility dedicated to both directive and non-directive
                                                              play therapy for children.
             Navigating the legal maze can be daunting for victims.
             Recognizing this, DFWAC extends legal aid, ensuring   DFWAC’s therapeutic approach also boasts unique
             victims are equipped to liaise effectively with the   initiatives like the Animal Assisted Psychotherapy
             country’s judicial machinery. This includes acquainting   (AAP), where animals play a role in the healing
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