Page 25 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 25

Section 01
                                                                                   Overview:  UAE Aid in Numbers

             G. Sources of Funding

             The source of funding — whether it derives from official   In  alignment  with  past  trends,  a  significant  majority
             (government/public) or private sources — is a key factor   (86%)  of  funding  for  the  UAE’s  foreign  assistance  in
             in classifying Official Development Assistance (ODA).   2022 came from official sources. However, for the third
             This distinction also sheds light on the degree to which   consecutive year, contributions from private sources
             the private sector participates in the delivery of foreign   have demonstrated sustained growth, despite the
             aid.                                             economic challenges induced by the pandemic. In
                                                              2022, contributions from private sources reached a
             Within the UAE, numerous donor entities have clear   five-year peak of AED 1.79 billion (USD 487.0 million).
             funding sources for their foreign aid initiatives—  This increase was largely driven by two factors:
             either  wholly  public  or  entirely  private.  However,   enhanced accuracy in reporting and recording of aid
             some organizations have indicated that their funding   from the private sector, and an amplified commitment
             sources comprise a combination of both. In 2022, three   from the UAE’s private sector towards eradicating
             notable UAE entities — Dubai Cares, Emirates Red   poverty and promoting sustainable development. The
             Crescent, and the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum   surge in private sector contributions is a testament to
             Humanitarian and Charity Establishment — leveraged   the increasing role of private actors in supplementing
             funding  from  both  official  and  private  sources.  government  efforts to address global development

              Figure (7): Funds Disbursed, by Funding Source
              (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2020-2022)

                Official  Private

                 2020                            2021                            2022

                          Total                           Total                           Total
                         2,782.9                         3,079.0                         3,449.1

                    2,463.8   319.1                  2,708.9   370.0                 2,962.1   487.0
                    89%       11%                     88%      12%                   86%      14%
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30