Page 26 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 26

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             H.  Aid Modalities

             Aid modality, a central concept in this report, refers   Meanwhile, the UAE also recognizes the value of
             to the strategic approaches donors employ to allocate   capacity-building  and  knowledge-sharing in  fostering
             their funds and implement foreign aid projects. When   self-reliance among recipient nations. Therefore, it
             devising their foreign assistance programs, UAE donors   has increasingly utilized the implementation modality
             prioritise maximizing aid effectiveness, leading them to   of providing technical assistance. In 2022, aid
             adopt a variety of implementation modalities tailored   implemented through technical assistance reached its
             to the specific goals and anticipated impacts of each   highest level in five years, with an allocation of AED
             project.                                         200.6 million (USD 54.6 million).
             In alignment with the UAE’s Foreign Assistance Policy
             and its strategy focusing on country partnerships,
             bilateral assistance to governments constituted more
             than half of the foreign aid disbursed in 2022. The sum
             of AED 7.13 billion (USD 1.94 billion) delivered through
             this  modality  marked  a  significant  55%  increase
             compared to the previous year. This preference for
             bilateral assistance underscores the UAE’s commitment
             to directly support governmental initiatives in partner
             The UAE also acknowledges the invaluable role local
             partners play in development and humanitarian work,
             appreciating  their  deep  understanding  of  recipient
             communities and their specific needs. Consequently,
             the UAE directed AED 1.05 million (USD 286.2 million)
             —representing 8% of the total aid — to national non-
             governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society
             institutions, leveraging their unique insights and local

             International and multilateral organizations continue
             to remain among the preferred channels for UAE’s aid
             implementation, acknowledging their significant role
             and reach in global development and humanitarian
                                                                 In  collaboration  with  The  Carter  Center,  Noor  Dubai
             efforts. An amount of 1.15 billion (USD 312.8 million),   Foundation is committed to the elimination of blinding
             or 9% of the total aid, was channeled through these   trachoma in one of the most trachoma-endemic regions
                                                                 known in the world, the Amhara region of Ethiopia.
             organizations, whether core contributions or earmarked,
                                                                 Source: Emirates News Agency-WAM
             highlighting the UAE’s faith in their capabilities.
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