Page 28 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 28

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             I. Geographical Distribution

             In 2022, the UAE channelled a majority of its foreign   2022. These funds were majorly utilized in Ethiopia and
             assistance towards Asia, allocating more than 42%, or   Sudan, and spread across various countries, including
             AED 5.28 billion (USD 1.44 billion), of its aid budget   28 LDCs. Africa’s share of UAE assistance remained
             to the region, including six Least Developed Countries   consistent  at  20%  for  both  2021  and  2022,  with  the
             (LDCs). Notably, Jordan and Yemen accounted for 56%   three-year disbursement total surging to 27% of total
             of the UAE’s 2022 disbursements to Asia, receiving AED   UAE aid, amounting to AED 9.22 billion (USD 2.51
             2.95 billion (USD 804.3 million). Looking at a broader   billion).
             timeline, when considering the disbursements over the
             last three years, the cumulative aid to Asia scales up to   In line with the UAE Foreign Assistance Policy that
             nearly half of the total disbursements, reaching AED   prioritizes countries in the Middle East and Arab States,
             16.62 billion (USD 4.52 billion).                sharing cultural and linguistic ties with the UAE, these
                                                              regions  collectively  received  over  38%  of  the  2022
             Africa was also a significant recipient of UAE’s foreign   foreign aid disbursements, amounting to AED 4.85
             aid, receiving AED 2.21 billion (USD 600.6 million) in   billion (USD  1.32 billion).

             Figure (9): Funds Disbursed, by Continent and Assistance Category
             (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)




                                                    1%                                            17%

                                 AMERICAS                                         AFRICA

                                       43.6                                       600.6
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33