Page 32 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             J. UAE Donors

             The UAE’s foreign assistance presents a robust   for Development (ADFD) emerged as the foremost
             ecosystem comprising a diverse range of UAE donor   provider of UAE aid in 2022, contributing over 52% of
             entities united in their mission to support and empower   the total (AED 6.58 billion, or USD 1.79 billion). The
             vulnerable communities globally. This multifaceted   UAE  Government,  represented  by  an  array  of  local
             group comprises UAE local and federal government   and federal government entities, was the second-
             bodies, private sector entities, including corporations   largest  contributor,  providing  nearly  30%  of  the  total
             and  charitable  foundations,  and  humanitarian  aid, equivalent to AED 3.78 billion (USD 1.03 billion).
             organizations, all of which collaborate to extend UAE’s   The Emirates Red Crescent, as the UAE’s primary
             support beyond its geographical boundaries.      humanitarian agency and the third-largest aid provider
             In unison, these entities disbursed a total of AED 12.67   in 2022, disbursed AED 629.1 million (USD 171.3
             billion (USD 3.45 billion) in 2022, bolstering development   million).
             initiatives, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and   Section 5 delves deeper into the contributions made by
             charitable  works  in  developing  nations,  including  35   various UAE foreign aid donors and outlines their 2022
             Least Developed Countries (LDCs).                foreign assistance initiatives.
             Maintaining its leading position, the Abu Dhabi Fund

             Table (4): Funds Disbursed, by Donor
             (in USD millions, and as % of total, 2020-2022
                                                                2020            2021            2022

                                                           Foreign           Foreign         Foreign
              Donor                                        Assistance  Percentage  Assistance  Percentage  Assistance  Percentage
                                                           USD million       USD million     USD million

              Abu Dhabi Fund for Development              1,726.2     62%   1,433.4    47%   1,792.3    52%

              Government                                    591.8     21%   1,100.4    36%   1,030.4    30%

              Emirates Red Crescent                         128.2      5%    181.4      6%    171.3      5%

              Private Sector and Individuals                 19.4      1%       7.3   0.2%      87.5     3%

              International Charity Organization             63.5      2%      69.0     2%      73.8     2%

              Dar Al Ber Society                             46.4      2%      60.1     2%      69.9     2%

              Sharjah Charity Association                    25.1      1%      40.0     1%      65.1     2%

              Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation         30.1      1%      25.4     1%      25.3     1%

              Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian
              and Charity Establishment                       5.3    0.2%      37.0     1%      25.0     1%

              Dubai Charity Association                       9.4    0.3%      14.9   0.5%      17.6     1%
   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37