Page 27 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 27

Section 01
                                                                                   Overview:  UAE Aid in Numbers

             Figure (8): Funds Disbursed, by Modality of Disbursement

                                                                                 2020       2021       2022

              Bilateral   Direct Project Contributions to  Earmarked   Core   Contributions  Experts and  Administrative  Scholarships   Refugees
             assistance to  Implementation national NGOs  contributions  contributions  to international   technical   costs  and student   in donor
             governments       and civil society  to multilateral  to multilateral   NGOs  assistance  costs  countries
                                 institutions  organization  organizations                               cost

             Table (2): Funds Disbursed, by Modality of Disbursement
             (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2020-2022)

                                                              2020              2021              2022
                                                       Foreign            Foreign            Foreign
              Modality of Disbursement                 Assistance  Percentage  Assistance  Percentage  Assistance  Percentage
                                                       USD million        USD million        USD million
              Bilateral assistance to governments       1,607.6     58%     1,253.4   41%    1,941.8    56%

              Direct Project Implementation               717.8     26%      893.8    29%     792.8     23%

              Contributions to national NGOs and civil
              society institutions                        205.4      7%      259.9     8%     286.2      8%
              Earmarked contributions to multilateral
              organization                                114.5      4%      362.2    12%     187.8      5%
              Core contributions to multilateral organizations  23.0  1%      46.6     2%      76.6      2%

              Contributions to international NGOs          32.3      1%       36.9     1%      57.4      2%

              Experts and technical assistance             35.9      1%       37.3     1%      54.6      2%
              Administrative costs                         27.4      1%      188.2     6%      48.4      1%

              Scholarships and student costs               19.0      1%        0.7   0.02%      3.4    0.1%

              Refugees in donor countries cost                -       -          -       -      0.1   0.002%

              Grand Total                               2,782.9   100%     3,079.0   100%    3,449.1   100%
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32