Page 30 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Table (3): Funds Disbursed, by Continent and Assistance Category
             (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2020-2022)

                                                              2020               2021             2022

                                                        Foreign           Foreign            Foreign
              Continent / Assistance Category           Assistance  Percentage  Assistance  Percentage  Assistance  Percentage
                                                        USD million       USD million        USD million

              Asia                                       1,103.0    40%    1,984.2   64%   1,436.9     42%
              Development                                  841.1    76%     1357.9   68%    1196.8     83%

              Humanitarian                                 234.9    21%      585.4   30%     185.5     13%
              Charity                                       27.0     2%       40.9    2%      54.6      4%

              Europe                                        87.3     3%       59.1    2%   1,058.8     31%
              Development                                   21.6    25%       44.2   75%    1048.1     99%

              Humanitarian                                  60.9    70%        9.7   16%       8.1      1%
              Charity                                        4.7     5%        5.2    9%       2.6    0.2%

              Africa                                     1,303.9    47%     606.9    20%     600.6     17%
              Development                                1,177.4    90%      354.6   58%     351.0     58%

              Humanitarian                                  85.6     7%      178.4   29%     153.6     26%
              Charity                                       40.9     3%       74.0   12%      96.0     16%

              Global                                       202.3     7%     375.0    12%     308.4      9%
              Development                                   97.4    48%      330.4   88%     220.8     72%

              Humanitarian                                 104.8    52%       43.8   12%      87.5     28%
              Charity                                          -       -       0.8  0.2%         -        -

              Americas                                      79.9     3%       49.3    2%      43.6      1%
              Development                                   29.6    37%       47.7   97%      41.0     94%

              Charity                                        0.2    0.3%       0.2  0.4%       1.4      3%
              Humanitarian                                  50.1    63%        1.4    3%       1.2      3%

              Oceania                                        6.5    0.2%       4.5  0.1%       0.8   0.02%
              Development                                    0.3     5%        3.8   85%       0.7     90%
              Charity                                        0.1     2%        0.6   13%       0.1     10%

              Humanitarian                                   6.1    93%        0.1    2%        -         -

              Grand Total                                 2,782.9   100%    3,079.0  100%   3,449.1   100%
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