Page 34 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 34

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             K. Total Commitments

             In 2022, the UAE pledged a robust AED 7.39 billion (USD   Moreover, projects focusing on solar energy in
             2.01 billion) in commitments to global development   Azerbaijan and Yemen are set to receive continuous
             and   humanitarian   assistance,  encompassing   funding, underlining the UAE’s commitment to
             several countries, including four Least Developed   sustainable development and energy transition. Future
             Countries (LDCs). These commitments signify future   funding has also been allocated for the water transport
             disbursements designed to catalyze growth and    infrastructure sector in Somalia, an indication of the
             welfare improvements.                            UAE’s focus on building essential infrastructure to
                                                              enhance economic productivity and living standards.
             These commitments prominently feature four sectors—
             general budget support, urban development and    The UAE’s commitments extend beyond immediate
             management, construction policy and administration,   aid and represent its steadfast dedication to long-term
             and  solar  energy—which  together  comprise  89%   sustainable development, underscoring its role as a
             of  the  total  pledge.  A  significant  proportion  of  this   global partner in championing growth and progress.
             commitment is allocated for bolstering general budget
             support in Jordan and Serbia, demonstrating the UAE’s
             steadfast partnership with these countries.

             Janub Power Plant - Azerbaijan.
             Source: Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
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