Page 38 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 38

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022


                   Section 2 offers a comprehensive examination   The  first  subsection details the UAE’s
                   of the UAE’s foreign assistance in 2022 and its   contribution  to each  of the 17  SDGs.
                   direct contribution to the realization of the 17
                   Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).      The second segment offers an analysis of
                                                              the  SDGs  that  received  the  most  significant
                   Similar to prior years, the 2022 foreign aid   backing  from  the  UAE  in  2022,  providing  a
                   initiatives from the UAE have been meticulously   breakdown  of  associated  sectors  and  sub-
                   aligned  with  specific  SDGs,  ensuring  a   sectors of assistance. This offers an in-depth
                   transparent one-to-one linkage for accurate   perspective on the UAE’s intentional endeavors
                   portrayal of the UAE’s contribution towards   and commitment to fostering positive change
                   the SDGs. Every project is correspondingly   and advancing sustainable development in key
                   tied  to  a  specific  SDG,  hence  establishing  a   strategic areas.
                   lucid reporting and monitoring framework for
                   the UAE’s dedication and support towards the   The  third subsection furnishes a summary
                   2030 Development Agenda.                   of the UAE’s assistance to the remaining
                                                              SDGs, as per the context of the UAE Foreign
                   This section delves into the three-dimensional   Assistance Policy. This brings attention to the
                   exploration of the UAE’s support for the 17   country’s dedicated strategies and targeted
                   SDGs, along with selected focus areas as   initiatives,  intended  to  stimulate  progress  in
                   highlighted  in  the  UAE  Foreign  Assistance   areas of high relevance, in alignment with the
                   Policy:                                    UAE’s influential role as a global development
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