Page 41 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 41

Section 02
                                                                   UAE Support towards SDGs and its Sectors of Assistance

             initiative, the UAE is part of an international collaboration committed to education, cooperation, and the
             development of new technologies to leverage big data resources and methodologies.
             The UAE wholeheartedly embraces the 17 SDGs and the 2030 Development Agenda, viewing them as
             a helpful roadmap to create a more equitable and sustainable world.  With a commitment to the SDGs,
             the UAE strategically coordinates its foreign assistance  and development initiatives to address key
             areas of concern identified in the global goals.

                                                6,225.2 (25%)     2,042.2 (8%)

                                 2,691.3 (11%)
                                                                                    1,493.2 (6%)

                                                      17          1
                    35.5 (0.1%)                                                            2,267.7 (9%)
                                          16                                   2
                                                                NO POVERTY
                                                     FOR THE GOALS
                                           PEACE, JUSTICE                  ZERO
                                           AND STRONG                      HUNGER
                                 15        INSTITUTIONS                                 3
            16.8 (0.1%)              LIFE ON                                   GOOD HEALTH           896.2 (4%)
                                     LAND                                      AND WELL-BEING

                            14                                                       QUALITY   4
                                LIFE BELOW                                           EDUCATION
                                WATER                   Figure (11):
                                                 UAE Assistance to SDGs
                                                                                                      111.5 (0.4%)
           5.8 (0.02%)                                 (2018 - 2022)
                           13   CLIMATE                                                GENDER   5
                                               (In USD millions, and as % of total)
                                RESPONSIBLE                                         CLEAN
                                CONSUMPTION                                         WATER AND
                                AND PRODUCTION                                      SANITATION      417.7 (2%)
            0.6 (0.002%)      12                                                           6
                                        SUSTAINABLE                           AFFORDABLE
                                        CITIES AND                            AND CLEAN
                                        COMMUNITIES                  DECENT   ENERGY
                                      11         REDUCED   INDUSTRY,   WORK AND     7
                    1,278.5 (5%)                          INNOVATION AND   GROWTH            613.7 (2%)
                                                 10                      8

                                                                                 5,663.9 (23%)
                                 48.1 (0.2%)

                                                        1,299.9 (5%)
   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46