Page 45 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 45

Section 02
                                                                   UAE Support towards SDGs and its Sectors of Assistance

             Figure (14): Top most supported SDGs Outlined in the UAE Foreign Assistance Policy, by SDG and income
             level (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

                           Goal 17                                         Goal 3
                           PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS                      GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
                           USD  1,768.0 million                            USD  408.5 million

                                             Value   Percentage                                Value  Percentage
                 Upper Middle Income                              Least Developed Countries
                                             1,379.1   78%                                     140.4    34%
                 Least Developed Countries                        Lower Middle Income
                                              311.7    18%                                     129.1    32%
                 Unspecified (Multi-country programs)             Unspecified (Multi-country programs)
                                                53.7     3%                                     71.8    17%
                 Lower Middle Income                              Low Income
                                                23.1     1%                                     30.0     7%
                 High Income                                      High Income
                                                 0.3  0.02%                                     26.8     7%
                                                                  Upper Middle Income
                                                                                                10.5     3%
                           Goal 1
                           NO POVERTY
                           USD  380.0 million                               Goal 2
                                                                            ZERO HUNGER
                                                                            USD  229.7 million
                                             Value  Percentage
                 Lower Middle Income
                                             138.8    37%
                                                                                               Value  Percentage
                                                                  Least Developed Countries
                 Least Developed Countries
                                                                                               130.0    57%
                                             115.1    30%
                                                                  Unspecified (Multi-country programs)
                 Upper Middle Income
                                                                                                55.5    24%
                                              89.9    24%
                                                                  Lower Middle Income
                 Unspecified (Multi-country programs)
                                                                                                25.2    11%
                                              30.1     8%
                                                                  Upper Middle Income
                 High Income
                                                                                                17.5     8%
                                               5.4     1%
                                                                  Low Income
                 Low Income
                                                                                                 0.9   0.4%
                                               0.8    0.2%
                                                                  High Income
                                                                                                 0.5   0.2%
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50