Page 44 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 44

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Part 2:  Top most supported SDGs

             Figure (13): Top most supported SDGs Outlined in the UAE Foreign Assistance Policy, by SDG and Sector
             of Activity (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

                            Goal 17                                         Goal 3
                            PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS                      GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
                            USD  1,768.0 million                            USD  408.5 million

                                             Value  Percentage                                 Value  Percentage
                 General budget support                           COVID-19 control
                                           1,659.8    94%                                     150.2    37%
                 Administrative costs of UAE donors               Emergency health
                                              57.4     3%                                      71.3    17%
                 Public sector policy and administration          Medical services
                                              50.3     3%                                      44.4    11%
                 Social welfare services                          Infectious disease control
                                               0.3  0.02%                                      40.1    10%
                 In donor-country expenditures                    Tuberculosis control
                                               0.1 0.003%                                      37.2     9%
                                                                  Coordination and support services
                                                                                               23.2     6%
                                                                  Basic health infrastructure
                                                                                               23.1     6%
                           Goal 1
                           NO POVERTY
                                                                                               19.1     5%
                            USD  380.0 million

                                             Value  Percentage              Goal 2
                Social welfare services                                     ZERO HUNGER
                                             142.1    37%
                                                                            USD  229.7 million
                Assorted basic social services
                                              64.1    17%                                      Value  Percentage
                Emergency multi-sector aid                        Emergency food aid
                                              63.4    17%                                     139.8    61%
                Coordination and support services                 Coordination and support services
                                              35.7     9%                                      29.6    13%
                Emergency shelter and non-food items              Food aid and food security programmes
                                              24.8     7%                                      17.5     8%
                Emergency health                                  Agricultural water resources
                                              15.5     4%                                      13.6     6%
                Contributions to international organisations      Household food security programmes
                                              12.5     3%                                      13.1     6%
                Others                                            Contributions to international organisations
                                              22.0     6%                                      12.7     6%
                                                                                                3.5     2%
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49