Page 40 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 40

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Part 1:  The UAE’s Contributions
             to the 17 SDGs and the 2030
             Development Agenda

             The 17 Sustainable Development Goals
             (SDGs) and the 2030 Development Agenda
             are a transformative and ambitious global
             framework adopted by all United  Nations
             Member States in 2015.  The SDGs are
             designed to address pressing global challenges
             and guide countries towards sustainable
             development, ensuring prosperity for all while
             safeguarding the planet.

             In its steadfast commitment to reinforcing
                                                             The Early Childhood Development Centers Project in Colombia
             the  significance  of  Sustainable  Development   adopts a comprehensive approach to child development,
             Goals,  the UAE leverages  its annual  World    offering services that extend beyond traditional education.
             Government Summit, held in Dubai, as a                 Source: Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
             platform to advocate for global cooperation
             and  impactful  change.  Each  year,  this      from governments, international organizations,
             internationally-renowned  summit   features     academia, philanthropic institutions, and the
             the ‘SDGs in Action’ event, promoting active    private sector. Their collaborative work  involves
             discussions  and  collaborations  on  the  global   overseeing  ground-breaking  projects  and
             goals. In 2022, the Summit introduced a new     brainstorming innovative ideas that expedite the
             high-profile  event,  ‘SDGs  for  Every  Child,’   implementation of the 17 SDGs at both national
             emphasizing the role of the SDGs in shaping a   and global levels. This cohesive and cross-sectoral
             brighter future for every child. This highlights   effort is instrumental in fostering meaningful
             the UAE’s commitment to sustainable             partnerships  and  fostering  change  that  reflects
             development,    inclusivity,  and  equality,    the essence of the SDGs: to leave no one behind.
             providing  a  stage  for  influential  voices  to
             advocate for impactful change at both national   Considered  as   a   powerful   SDG-enabling
             and  global  levels.                            mechanism, the UAE Government launched
                                                             the United Nations’ ‘Big Data for Sustainable
             The   Global   Councils    on   Sustainable     Development’  platform,  targeting  the  unique
             Development Goals, initiated  during the        needs of the Middle East and North Africa region.
             2018 World Government Summit, serve             The  initiative  aims  to  harness  the  power  of  big
             as a testament to the UAE’s proactive           data for the greater good, utilizing its capabilities
             approach to the SDGs. These councils are an     to address pressing developmental issues. As one
             interdisciplinary coalition of influential figures   of four global hubs selected by the UN for this
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