Page 47 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 47

Section 02
                                                                   UAE Support towards SDGs and its Sectors of Assistance

             Global Progress of SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global
             partnerships for sustainable development

             Many  developing  countries  are  struggling  to  recover  from  the  pandemic  despite  a  record-high  level  of  official
             development assistance (ODA) and a strong rebound in global foreign direct investment (FDI) and remittance
             flows. Among other challenges, developing countries are battling record inflation, rising interest rates and looming
             debt burdens. With competing priorities and limited fiscal space, many are finding it harder than ever to recover
             economically. With the pandemic far from over and stark disparities in vaccine distribution among countries, there
             is also the threat of a “two-tiered” COVID-19 recovery. To build back better from the pandemic and rescue the
             Sustainable  Development  Goals,  a  full-scale  transformation  of  the  international  financial  and  debt  architecture
             will be required. The world is facing a multitude of crises across the social, health, environmental, and peace and
             security spectrums. To find lasting solutions, international cooperation must be scaled up – urgently. To stay ahead
             of crises, significantly more investment in data and statistics will be necessary.
             Source:  The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022

             In 2022, the United Arab Emirates considerably enhanced its commitment to Sustainable Development
             Goal  17  (Partnerships  for  the  Goals),  demonstrating  this  through  a  significant  66%  increase  in
             disbursements from AED 3.91 billion (USD 1.07 billion) in 2021 to AED 6.49 billion (USD 1.77 billion) in
             2022.  Half of UAE’s disbursements in 2022 was provided in support of this goal, making SDG 17 the
             UAE’s most supported global goal in 2022.

               01   General Budget Support

             A substantial majority of the assistance for SDG 17 was delivered through bilateral partnerships. This
             support, in the form of budgetary assistance amounting to AED 6.10 billion (USD 1.66 billion), was
             extended  to  five  countries,  including  two  Least  Developed  Countries  (LDCs).  By  supporting  these
             nations’ general budgets, the UAE is providing crucial financial stability, which can accelerate progress
             across all SDGs.

               02   Public Sector Policy and Administration

             The remaining disbursements to SDG 17 in 2022 were allocated to the public sector policy and
             administrative sectors across 15 countries, including 3 LDCs. These funds valued at AED 184.9
             million (USD 50.3 million) were primarily directed towards capacity-building programs with a focus
             on strengthening and improving government services. Key areas of focus included raising operational
             efficiency, fostering government innovation, accelerating government initiatives, and promoting future
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