Page 24 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 24

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             F. Income Level                                    Figure (6): Funds Disbursed, by Income level

             Distribution                                       (In USD millions, 2020-2022)

                                                                  Least Developed Countries
             The UAE  organizes  its foreign  aid through
             various lenses, one of which includes examining     2020                                  1,279.1
             aid distribution based on the income level of       2021                                    891.5
             recipient  countries.  The  classifications  used  are
                                                                 2022                                    914.1
             informed  by  the  World  Bank’s  country  income
             level designations, in conjunction with the OECD-
                                                                  Upper Middle Income
             DAC’s  list  of  ODA  recipients  for  2022  flows.
                                                                 2020                                    275.6
             In  2022,  47%  of  the  UAE’s  total  foreign  aid
                                                                 2021                                    241.3
             disbursements were allocated to Upper Middle-
             Income Countries, largely in the form of general    2022                                  1,622.7
             budget support. Jordan and Serbia were
             significant beneficiaries, receiving nearly 90% of   High Income
             the total aid directed to this income group.
                                                                 2020                                    618.0
             The UAE’s foreign aid to Least Developed            2021                                  1,037.8
             Countries (LDCs) saw an increase of nearly
                                                                 2022                                    150.2
             3%  in  2022.  Representing  27%  of  the  total  aid
             disbursed that year, this assistance was spread
             across 35 LDCs. From the perspective of Official     Lower Middle Income
             Development Assistance (ODA), LDCs were
                                                                 2020                                    403.3
             beneficiaries of an even more substantial portion,
             receiving  41%,  or  AED  2.69  billion  (USD  733.5   2021                                 532.0
             million),  of  the  total  UAE  ODA  in  2022.      2022                                    420.9

             Simultaneously, Lower-Middle Income Countries
                                                                  Unspecified (Multi-country programs)
             (LMICs) remain a priority for the UAE. In 2022,
             the UAE allocated AED 944.2 million (USD 257.1      2020                                   205.3
             million),  or  14%  of  its  total  disbursements,  to
                                                                 2021                                   376.3
             this group.  The UAE’s continued support to
             LMICs, notwithstanding their unique challenges,     2022                                   309.1
             exemplifies the country’s balanced and inclusive
             approach  to  foreign  aid.                          Low Income

                                                                2020                                      1.6

                                                                2021                                     0.04
                                                                2022                                     32.0
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