Page 20 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             E. Sectors of Assistance

             When analyzing and reporting, the sectors are primarily   contributions to multilateral organizations’ budgets.
             determined by the foreign aid activity’s purpose. The UAE   For three consecutive years, the health sector remained
             acknowledges that the recipient nations have the best   a top priority, securing the second-highest funding
             understanding of what their sustainable development   from the UAE in 2022. The aid disbursed for this
             demands. Consequently, the UAE structures its foreign   sector totaled AED 1.48 billion (USD 403.5 million).
             assistance program to reflect this, contributing 54% to   The primary focus of the UAE’s health programs in
             the general program assistance sector in 2022, a more   2022 was COVID-19 control and emergency health,
             than 53% increase from 2021. This aid, largely provided   accounting for nearly 60% of the total disbursements
             as general budget support, enabled additional funding   to this sector. The most vulnerable were the main
             for national budgets, including those of three Least   recipients of this health sector aid, with 36% directed
             Developed Countries (LDCs).                      to 24 Least Developed Countries (LDCs), and 32% to 15
                                                              Lower-Middle Income Countries (LMICs).
             Within the realm of the general program assistance   Section 2 of this report offers a detailed description of
             sector,  the  UAE  also  provided  core  and  earmarked   the UAE’s supported sectors of assistance.

             Figure (5): Funds Disbursed, by Sector
             (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

                                                                             Environment and Climate Change  )0.1%(  4.3
             )0.001%( 0.03 Population Policy and Reproductive Health
              )0.04%( 1.5 Business Services                                      Biosphere and Biodiversity  )0.2%(  5.9
              )0.1%(  2.2 Peace and Security                                                Agriculture  )0.4%( 15.0
                                                                               Energy Generation and Supply  )1%( 31.6
                                                                                             Industry  )1%( 40.1
                                                                                Government and Civil Society  )2%( 54.7
                                                                                     Water and Sanitation  )2%( 65.2
                                                                                    Transport and Storage  )3%( 97.8
             )54%( 1,858.5  General Programme                                               Education  )3%( 100.3
                                                                           Construction and Civil Development  )3%( 107.3
                                                                                         Commodity Aid  )8%( 276.4
                                                       Total                             Social Services  )11%( 384.9
                                                     3,449.1                                   Health  )12%( 403.5
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