Page 16 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 16

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             C. Assistance Categories

             The United Arab Emirates’ foreign assistance is   and substantial response to crises and emergencies
             disseminated into three distinct categories, each   around the world, underscoring its role as a vital player
             serving a unique purpose. Development aid is focused   in global humanitarian assistance.
             on programs that enhance economic or social welfare,   This balance between development ODA and
             humanitarian aid is geared towards lifesaving efforts,   humanitarian  ODA  showcases  the  UAE’s
             encompassing emergency and relief operations, while   comprehensive approach to international assistance,
             charitable aid incorporates projects imbued with   ensuring both immediate relief for crises and long-term
             religious or cultural  orientations.             solutions for sustainable development.

             In 2022, the UAE’s development aid, which strives to
             boost economic and social prosperity, constituted the
             majority of the overall foreign assistance, accounting
             for  83%  of  the  total.  This  illustrates  the  UAE’s
             enduring commitment to support sustainable growth
             in  developing  nations.  Humanitarian  aid,  reflecting
             the  UAE’s  response  to  global  crises,  formed  13%  of
             the total disbursements for the year. The remaining
             aid were allocated to religious or cultural projects,
             otherwise  known  as  charitable  aid.

             Over the three-year period spanning 2020-2022,
             the  UAE’s   efforts  to  long-term  development
             and humanitarian and emergency relief became
             increasingly evident. The total development aid during
             this time exceeded a remarkable AED 26.31 billion
             (USD 7.16 billion), whereas the humanitarian aid was
             also substantial, amounting to AED 6.60 billion (USD
             1.80 billion).

             In terms of Official Development Assistance (ODA) for
             the year 2022, the UAE demonstrated a clear priority
             for long-term development aid, which made up the
             lion’s  share  of  disbursements,  at  83%,  amounting
             to AED 5.41 billion (USD 1.47 billion). This aligns
             with the UAE’s commitment to promote sustainable
             development and build resilience in partner countries.
             On the other hand, the UAE also maintains a significant
             focus on addressing  immediate humanitarian  needs.
             Humanitarian aid constituted 17% of the UAE’s ODA for   Teesta Dam Project-Bangladesh.
             the same year, equating to AED 1.10 billion (USD 298.3   Source: Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
             million). This proportion represents the UAE’s swift
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