Page 13 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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Section 01
                                                                                   Overview:  UAE Aid in Numbers

             B. Disbursed Foreign Aid and ODA

             The foreign aid extended by the UAE is meticulously   This rigorous and internationally recognized approach
             documented and examined under two main categories:   ensures  accuracy  and  transparency  in  tracking  the
             ‘foreign assistance’ and Official Development Assistance   UAE’s contributions to global development initiatives.
             (ODA). The ‘foreign assistance’ category provides a
             broader perspective on the overseas aid offered by   In 2022, the total UAE funding towards international
             the  UAE.  It  accounts  for  financial  contributions  from   aid amounted to AED 12.67 billion (USD 3.45 billion).
             private entities and also includes programs aimed at   Over the span of three years, from 2020-2022, the UAE
             charitable giving with a cultural or religious emphasis   displayed a strong commitment to global development
             that typically fall outside the purview of ODA.  When   and humanitarian aid, with cumulative foreign aid
             it comes to quantifying ODA, the UAE adheres to a   disbursements totaling AED 34.20 billion (USD 9.31
             specific set of standards stipulated by the Organisation   billion).  Notably, 2022 marked a significant upswing
             for Economic Co-operation and Development’s      in the UAE’s foreign assistance, with a growth of 12%
             Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC).     over the prior year.

                Tirana River Northern Boulevard-Albania.  Source: Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
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