Page 12 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 12

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             •  Innovative Partnerships:

             Under  the  mantle  of  innovative  partnerships,  the   for the betterment of the global community.
             UAE has made noteworthy advances, carving out    Moreover, the UAE’s pioneering efforts have led to the
             unique alliances to bolster development assistance.   establishment of the Global Councils on Sustainable
             These initiatives span the creation of public-private   Development Goals, a network that harnesses the
             partnerships and proactive engagement with global   collective intelligence of over 200 experts and decision-
             organizations,  non-governmental  organizations  makers from around the globe. The Council’s core
             (NGOs), and other national governments, effectively   mission is to ensure the effective implementation of
             harnessing collective strengths.                 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both within the
             An exemplar of this dynamic approach is the UAE’s   UAE and globally. It proposes innovative policies and
             pivotal role in capitalizing on the transformative power   projects that will expedite progress towards achieving
             of big data for sustainable development. In 2022, the   the SDGs, thereby contributing to global efforts
             UAE Government launched the ‘Big Data for Sustainable   towards sustainable development. This initiative serves
             Development’ platform, a United Nations initiative   as a powerful testament to the UAE’s strategic vision
             designed to cater specifically to the Middle East and   and commitment to fostering innovative partnerships
             North  Africa  region’s  needs.  This  effort  reflects  the   in pursuit of sustainable development.
             UAE’s unwavering commitment to unlocking big data’s
                                                              •  Transparent Reporting:
             potential to serve broader societal goals. Distinguished
             as one of four global hubs selected by the UN, the UAE   The UAE is committed to transparency in its aid
             stands at the vanguard of international cooperative   reporting, regularly publishing detailed reports about its
             endeavours, nurturing education, innovation, and the   foreign assistance contributions, which underscores its
             development of new methodologies and data sources   commitment to effective and accountable aid delivery.

                “Kafo” and Dubai Cares cooperate to build a school in Malawi.  Source: Dubai Cares
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