Page 15 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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Section 01
                                                                                   Overview:  UAE Aid in Numbers

                                                              Figure (2): UAE Total Disbursements to LDCs,
                 UAE ODA/GNI to LDCs
                                                              and as a Proportion of GNI
                                                              (In USD millions, and as % of GNI, 2020-2022)
                 Global   dedication  to   aiding  the
                 Least Developed Countries (LDCs)               Foreign Assistance
                 remains strong, yet achieving the set
                 international  benchmarks     requires       2020                                 1,279.1  41%
                 persistent effort. At the heart of the
                                                              2021                                 891.5  29%
                 UAE’s Foreign Assistance Policy lies
                                                              2022                                 914.1  30%
                 an unwavering commitment to uplift
                 the   most   vulnerable   populations.
                 Demonstrating this, the UAE has                Grant Equivalent ODA
                 consistently prioritized LDCs in its
                                                              2020                                 1,166.8  0.32%
                 outreach. In 2022, the UAE channeled
                 0.20%  of  its  ODA/GNI  towards  LDCs,      2021                                 726.3  0.19%
                 effectively  fulfilling  the  international
                                                              2022                                 733.5  0.17%
                 target. When viewed over a span of
                 five  years,  from  2018-2022,  the  UAE’s
                 contributions  become    even   more
                 notable. With a half-decade average
                 of  0.34%  ODA/GNI  directed  at  LDCs,
                 the UAE’s contributions consistently
                 surpassed the established international
                 goals,  reflecting  the  nation’s  earnest
                 dedication  to championing global
                 developmental    causes.

                 Section 6th of this report offers an in-
                 depth exploration of the UAE’s Official
                 Development Assistance (ODA) from
                 various perspectives, such as income
                 level, sector, and geographic location.

                                                                Banha Power Plant-Egypt.
                                                                Source: Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
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