Page 18 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 18

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             D. Funding Types

             This report primarily discusses two types of foreign   four upper-middle-income countries. Besides being
             assistance funding: grants and loans. Grants constitute   regarded as crucial for external economic flows, these
             both cash and in-kind assistance that do not obligate the   bilateral concessional loans have a unique role in
             recipient to incur any legal debt. In contrast, loans entail   catalyzing private investment in developing countries.
             transfers for which the recipient is legally indebted,
             such as investment-related loans offered to developing
             countries or a loan formulated in conjunction with the
             recipient as part of a joint venture.

             In 2022, the distribution of the UAE’s foreign assistance
             demonstrated a balanced approach, with nearly equal
             disbursements of grants and concessional loans. The
             grants, totalling AED 6.53 billion (USD 1.78 billion),
             chiefly targeted the world’s Least Developed Countries
             (LDCs),  with  34%  of  these  funds  directed  toward
             these vulnerable nations. Furthermore, the decision
             to channel 22% of the grant funding to Lower-Middle
             Income Countries (LMICs) reflects the comprehensive
             and multifaceted nature of the UAE’s foreign assistance

             The persistence of extreme poverty, predominantly in
             the world’s poorest countries, highlights the urgent
             need for focused and sustained support to the LDCs.
             The objective of eliminating extreme poverty by 2030
             requires this concentrated effort. However, it is equally
             important to acknowledge and address the enduring
             poverty  within  LMICs.  Despite  their  higher  average
             incomes,  significant  sections  of  their  populations
             remain impoverished. Striking a balance in providing
             support to both low-income nations and impoverished
             segments within LMICs is crucial. This approach is in
             sync with the overarching principle of the Sustainable
             Development Goals (SDGs): ‘leaving no one behind’.

             Concessional loans, which are loans provided on
             terms significantly more generous than market loans,
             amounted to AED 6.14 billion (USD 1.67 billion) in
             2022. These funds were directed to assist a number
                                                                 Well projects in Niger.
             of developing nations, including nine LDCs. However,
                                                                 Source: Dubai Charity Association
             the lion’s share of these loans (79%) was accessed by
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