Page 215 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 215

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             the survival of the species and rejuvenate marine   Over  in  India,  the  Fund’s  endeavors  took  on  a
             ecosystems by repopulating areas with declining   multifaceted approach, underscored by its support
             abalone densities. Additionally, the Fund took a decisive   for the Fourth Strategic Planning and IUCN Red-list
             step in the conservation of amphibians by supporting   Assessment meeting(s) focused on the country’s
             the habitat characterization and risk assessment project   freshwater turtles and tortoises. The spotlight was
             for the endangered Guerreran Robber Frog (Craugastor   notably on the Red-crowned Roofed Turtle, a critically
             guerreroensis).                                  endangered species. The Fund also took strides in
                                                              mammalian conservation, backing a project aimed at
             Brazil saw significant support from the Fund, particularly   mapping the distribution of the elusive and endangered
             in the Chapada Diamantina National Park, where   Woolly flying squirrel, or Eupetaurus cinereus, in the
             efforts were concentrated on assessing the population   Uttarakhand Himalaya region. Furthermore, the Fund
             size of the critically endangered blond titi monkey. The   bolstered conservation initiatives for the endangered
             Fund also recognized the urgent need to conserve the   Indian Pangolin in the Eastern Ghats, emphasizing
             unique flora of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, supporting   capacity building to elevate the region’s pangolin
             projects aimed at preserving threatened species of the   conservation efforts.
             Myrceugenia gertii, Myrceugenia bananalensis, and
             other threatened Myrceugenia genus. Furthermore,   In Suriname and Vanuatu, both classified as Small
             the Southern tiger cat, or Leopardus guttulus, which   Island Developing States (SIDS) where biodiversity
             is classified as vulnerable, benefited from the Fund’s   plays  a paramount  role, the  Fund  was instrumental
             strategic conservation initiatives that aimed to create   in supporting projects. These were geared toward the
             a  harmonious  coexistence  between  the  species  and   endangered giant otter in Suriname and the Vanuatu
             the varied landscape mosaic of forest fragments,   petrel, emphasizing the Fund’s dedication to global
             agricultural lands, and urbanized areas.         biodiversity conservation.
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