Page 214 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 214

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation   wide array of projects focusing on various plant, animal,
             Fund fortified its role as the UAE’s vanguard in species   and  fungus species. Each  application undergoes
             conservation and biodiversity with an allocation of AED   rigorous scrutiny by an independent evaluation
             6.4 million (USD 1.7 million) in grant funding, benefiting   committee, ensuring that the most impactful projects
             a diverse array of 62 countries. This included a focus on   receive the necessary support.
             the world’s most economically disadvantaged regions,
             with 15 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) receiving   By streamlining its funding process in this manner,
             nearly 20% of the total funding. Moreover, 18 Lower-  the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
             Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) were awarded more   effectively minimizes bureaucratic hurdles, enabling
             than one-third of the allocated funds. Additionally,   conservationists to focus their energies on combating
             the Fund took a specialized approach by including   the extinction crisis. Established as a philanthropic
             seven Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in its   endowment, the Fund’s multifaceted mission extends
             conservation efforts.                             beyond mere financial support. It aims to offer targeted
                                                               grants for species-specific conservation initiatives,
             Brazil, India, and Mexico emerged as the key recipients,   honor exemplary leadership in the realm of species
             hosting the Fund’s largest projects by aid volume. This   conservation, and elevate the discourse on the critical
             geographic distribution reflects not just the areas with   importance  of  individual  species  within  the  broader
             critical biodiversity needs but also locations where   conservation narrative.
             impactful interventions can be made.
                                                               In  alignment  with  its  specialized  mandate,  100%  of
             In the execution of its  projects, the Mohamed bin   the Fund’s efforts are geared toward development-
             Zayed Species Conservation Fund employs a robust   oriented projects, specifically aligning with Sustainable
             operational strategy deeply anchored in collaborative   Development Goal (SDG) 15, which aims to protect,
             partnerships. The Fund has a long-standing practice of   restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial
             entrusting all its financial resources to national Non-  ecosystems,  sustainably  manage  forests,  combat
             Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society   desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation
             Organizations (CSOs). This approach not only leverages   and halt biodiversity loss.
             their in-depth knowledge of local ecosystems but
             also  taps  into  their  community-specific  insights  and   Over the last half-decade, from 2018-2022, the
             expertise at the grassroots level.                Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund’s
                                                               commitment has translated into a notable AED 29.8
             As part of its innovative financial framework, the Fund   million (USD 8.1 million) in disbursed funds, bringing
             employs a micro-financing model to allocate resources.   numerous biodiversity and species conservation
             Open to conservationists globally, it offers funding for a   initiatives to fruition worldwide.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Biodiversity

             In 2022, the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation   backed was an initiative designed to bridge local
             Fund further solidified its commitment to species   community conservation tactics with broader regional
             conservation and biodiversity, marking its global   strategies in a bid to safeguard the critically endangered
             footprint with funding for nearly 200 noteworthy   Leora´s  stream  salamander.  Simultaneously,  it
             projects.                                        fostered advancements  in aquaculture  by supporting
                                                              the development of captive breeding techniques for
             In Mexico, the Fund championed a multifaceted    the black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii), a critically
             approach to conservation. Among the projects it   endangered species. The objective was twofold: ensure
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