Page 218 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             As  one of  the  United  Arab  Emirates’ standout   almost even split between these two approaches in
             international philanthropic organizations, the Sharjah   terms of funding volume. When it comes to the nature
             Charity House has made significant strides in global aid   of aid, Sharjah Charity House exhibits a diversified
             distribution. In 2022, the foundation disbursed AED 5.2   portfolio:  50%  was  allocated  for  charitable  projects,
             million (USD 1.4 million) in grant funding, targeting 11   35%  for  humanitarian  assistance,  and  the  remaining
             countries across various continents and also supporting   15% was earmarked for global development initiatives.
             a specialized project with a regional focus in Africa.
             A  closer look at  the  allocation  reveals  that six  Least   In  alignment  with  global  objectives,  Sharjah  Charity
             Developed Countries (LDCs) received 17% of the total   House has committed itself to advancing the United
             funding, while three Lower-Middle-Income Countries   Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In
             (LMICs) accounted for over half of the financial aid.   2022, the organization made notable contributions to
             Indonesia emerged as the largest beneficiary, receiving   six of the 17 SDGs, with particular emphasis on SDGs
             nearly  50%  of  the  total  disbursements,  followed  by   11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 3 (Good
             Bangladesh and Syria.                             Health and Well-being), and 1 (No Poverty).

             The  foundation’s  operational  strategy  is  marked  by   Over the last half-decade, from 2018 to 2022, the
             versatility, leveraging both direct project implementation   foundation’s foreign aid disbursements have reached
             and  strategic collaborations  with national  Non-  AED 96.1 million (USD 26.2 million), underscoring
             Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society   its  continued  commitment  to  creating  a  meaningful
             Organizations (CSOs).  Interestingly, 2022 saw an   impact globally.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Social Services

             In 2022, the Social Services Sector emerged as the
             cornerstone of Sharjah Charity House’s philanthropic   Meanwhile, the remaining portion of the budget was
             efforts, attracting a dominant share of its financial   thoughtfully directed towards seasonal programmes,
             resources. Specifically, a notable AED 2.6 million (USD   specifically emphasizing charitable initiatives during
             0.7 million) — over half of the foundation’s total annual   the Holy Month of Ramadan. One of the standout
             aid — was directed toward this sector. An insightful   activities under this initiative was the provision of meals
             breakdown reveals a distribution of funds within   to the underprivileged in developing countries, echoing
             two distinct subsectors. The first subsector, which   the spirit of compassion intrinsic to the holy month.
             received 93% of the allocated funds, was devoted to   Overall, the allocations within the Social Services Sector
             the construction of religious sites. This demonstrated   mirror the Sharjah Charity House’s multi-dimensional
             Sharjah Charity House’s significant focus in cultural   approach to aiding communities, one that harmonizes
             and religious development, a factor often understated   spiritual, cultural, and basic human needs.
             but crucial for community cohesion and spiritual well-
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