Page 222 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 222

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             The Abu Dhabi Center for Sheltering and Humanitarian   Ewaa’s commitment extends beyond immediate care,
             Care Centre, commonly known as Ewaa, is a bastion   aligning its efforts to contribute to the achievement of
             of social welfare and advocacy. Affiliated with the   the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 5,
             Abu Dhabi Government’s Department of Community    which focuses on gender equality and empowerment
             Development, Ewaa aims to serve as a safe haven   for all women and girls. This alignment with global
             for victims of violence and abuse. Through its direct   benchmarks demonstrates Ewaa’s commitment not
             implementation  model,  the  organization  disbursed   just to local but to global social wellness.
             AED 4.5 million (USD 1.2 million) in 2022 to further its   Over the course of the last five years, from 2018-2022,
             core mandate of providing protection, care, and holistic   Ewaa has invested AED 20.3 million (USD 5.5 million)
             support.                                          in grant funding to support its mission. This sustained
                                                               financial  commitment  underscores  the  organization’s
                                                               resolve to bring about lasting change in the lives of
                                                               those affected by violence and abuse, both within the
                                                               Emirate and beyond.
             Allocation Insights

               01   Human Rights

             In 2022, the Abu Dhabi Center for Sheltering and   Recognizing the significance of community awareness,
             Humanitarian Care Centre, known as Ewaa, made a   Ewaa actively engages in public education efforts. The
             profound impact on the lives of 60 victims of violence   organization crafts awareness programs, orchestrates
             and abuse. Guided by an unwavering commitment    seminars, liaises with authoritative bodies, and initiates
             to human dignity and humanitarian principles, Ewaa   campaigns, all designed to enlighten the public about
             employed its comprehensive 360° Model of Care to   the devastating mental and physical repercussions of
             deliver a wide array of services. This holistic approach   violence.
             encompasses integrated case management, including
             rehabilitation  programs,  psychosocial  support,  Ewaa’s commendable efforts do not exist in isolation.
             counseling, and legal assistance, all within the   Through strategic partnerships with local and
             sanctuary of safe shelters.                      international entities – ranging from law enforcement
                                                              and embassies to hospitals, fellow shelters, and places
             Ewaa’s initiatives go beyond immediate care, offering   of  worship  –  Ewaa  bolsters  its  capacity  to  offer  care
             empowerment training to help survivors not just recover   and refuge. In some cases, this collaboration extends
             but also thrive. The center ensures that survivors   to assisting survivors in returning to their native
             receive all necessary tools to successfully reintegrate   lands or facilitating their relocation to a more secure
             into society, emphasizing the transformative power of   environment, providing a wide spectrum of support
             comprehensive  support.                          that speaks to Ewaa’s holistic approach to healing and
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